Monday 22 October 2012

Against all odds

A whole weekend without the Internet and the most bizarre thing is no one knows why we have been cut off. All the signals are there. By all accounts we  are signed on to the Internet but we just can't open any pages. it's like we can see the Internet and it can see us but we aren't speaking the same language so we can't communicate with each other. Very strange. So I have resorted to writing my blog on my blackberry because I need to write. to express my thoughts. to put them out there.
Writing is my bliss. My main portal to my soul. And this blog has become a vital part of me accessing that portal. Without it and my morning ritual I feel lost. So rather than feeling lost I have decided to use whatever means I can to tap into my innermost feelings. To fuel my desire to write.
And what is emerging for me is an invaluable lesson. Too often we find excuses for not achieving our dreams or goals. Too often we allo the obstacles in the way to deter us from accomplishing what we know we are capable of achieving. Too often we wait for the perfect time, the perfect conditions and the perfect place to do what we need to do. When what we ought to be doing is just doing it.
Just going for it. Forgetiing about the mistakes along he way which incidentally may be exactly what we need to find our true path. To see that it is okay to do what we have to do even when it is difficult to accomplish our dreams. When all seems impossible. Particularly when we are being challenged the most. It is those times that let us know we are nearing the Promised Land. It is those times that are seperated us from those that can and those that won't.
So here's to my first blog written from my blackberry. Mistakes and all but fulfillment of my desire to write. To express myself against all odds. Happy Monday everyone. Here's to the start of turning impossibility to Possibility with a capital P.

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