Friday 5 October 2012

Meditation- the beautiful art of surrender

Meditation comes in many forms. It comes from listening to the sound of the wind.  The sound of the rain. The sound of the ocean gently crashing against the sand. It comes from watching a butterfly fluttering by. A bird in flight. The silence of the moment.
It comes when we surrender. Listening to the sound of the Divine. However that may sound to each of us as individuals. It comes from listening to beautiful music. Lilting voices. Repetitive voices. Chanting voices. Whichever voices resonate with each of us.
It comes when our eyes are closed and we surrender to all that is within. When we listen to the sound of our essence selves. When we hear the nothingness that is everything within us. When we embrace the eternal soul. When we reach the place of the connectedness.
It comes when our eyes are wide open taking in all that is. All that was and all that will ever be. It comes when we allow ourselves to be grateful for all that is created including us. It comes when we recognize we are a part of the Divine so we are all the Divine because we all make up this Universe we live in. This Universe we share.
It comes when we allow ourselves to be still and listen. Truly listen to our inner compass and allow ourselves to surrender to it. To allow it to direct us where we are meant to be.
Meditation takes us to the place where all the joy, freedom, love, light and possibility reside. Takes us there to allow us to see who we really are. Gives us the wings to soar. Gives us the ability to see that possibility exists for us.
Meditation has no true form. No set technique. It is a pathway to the well of overflowing light. To that place when we are able to let go of what we are to become who we are. Meditation is our access to the infinite allowing us to understand and see we are the infinite.
Allow yourself to be still. To listen with open heart. To see with open heart. To experience the purity of who we are. To experience the wonder of our creation and our existence. And when you do as I have you will realize we are all one. We are all the same. We are of the Divine. Connected in more ways than we can ever know and understand.
Meditation is the beautiful art of surrender. Of finding bliss. Of being bliss. Namaste.

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