Tuesday 18 October 2011

White Lights in the sky

There is a certain electricity in the air, like something is coming. Something big and unexpected. When I got home the other night from the airport, my family was so excited that they were talking on top of each other like they couldn’t get the words out quick enough. At first I thought it was purely because they were excited I was home but once I managed to calm them down, I realised they had witnessed something magical and unexplainable.
“Mommy, mommy, we saw a UFO,” said my daughter.
“It was a white light swirling in the sky,” said my son.
I looked at my husband fully expecting him to say they were making it up. Instead he shrugged his shoulders and said, “We all saw it, hon and I don’t know what it was. I can’t explain it.”
“Did anyone else see it?”I asked.
“Yes, our neighbour called us to ask us if we could see lights in the sky,” my husband replied. “That’s why we went outside. It was something big and bright and it felt like it was directly over the top of us.”
“And it was whiter than any white I have ever seen, mommy,”” said my daughter.
“Wherever we went it seemed like it was directly above us,” said my son. “And what was even weirder was that every few second the sky would turn completely blue.”
“Did you go to the neighbours?” I asked.
“No because my sister was too scared. She was screaming and crying that she wanted to go inside so we did,”” said my son.
“It was really scary mommy,”” said my daughter hiding behind me. I hugged her and told her everything was going to be okay.
“Was it fireworks?”I asked.
They both said, “No, because we would have heard the bangs but it was silent.”
I asked my son, the quintessential budding scientist and laser expert, “Could someone have been shining a large laser into the sky?”
“No mommy,” he replied. “”There were no clouds in the sky so there was nothing for the laser to bounce off.””
“Do lasers need something to bounce off?” I asked.
“Yes,” he replied. “They need an opaque object to bounce the light off and there was not a cloud in the sky.”
Here it is two days later and they are still talking about whatever it was they saw in the dark night sky. Trying to understand the significance of it. According to our neighbours who saw the same thing they watched the lights for half hour before they disappeared and each neighbour felt the lights were directly above them.
I remember driving back in the taxi from the airport that night marvelling at the stillness of the very dark night, no moon, and the blackness of the ocean with not a ripple across it. Yet I had a feeling there was something in the air. What I didn’t know was I had literally missed something in the air that had sent ripples through my household.
There is definitely something going on in the universe. A shift . A change. I can feel it and I am both afraid and excited at the same time.
Could that light show two nights ago have been a sign? If it was, I hope whatever it was is friendly.
If anyone saw anything similar let me know so I can help my children solve this mystery.

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