Wednesday 5 October 2011


Intuition is defined as the ability to know something without reason. It comes from the Latin word “'intueri'” which translates to mean go inside or contemplate.
In a more literal sense intuition is that feeling we all get when the hair stands up on the back of our necks when we see, hear or feel something. It’s that gut feeling that we get in the pit of our stomachs when something does not resonate with us. It is that feeling of clear abandonment and contentment when something or someone feels right for us.
So why do we listen to it sometimes and not others. Why do we do things that our whole being warned us not to do? What pushes us into situations we know in our heart of hearts is wrong for us? What steers us away from what is right for us to what is so wrong for us?
I believe the main reason is ego. We tend to put ego first – what we think we should have rather than what we need. Ego forces us to compare ourselves to others and believe we deserve to have what they have or more.
However there are more subtle reasons for overriding our intuition and these are usually driven by feelings of insecurity. These feelings cause us to be pressured into situations we do not want because we want to be accepted, liked , or the desire to meet the expectations of those around us rather than listening to that inner compass that is always trying to direct us to where we need to go.
Overriding our intuition, not listening to our inner voice often puts us on a much harder path than if we had listened. Shutting out our inner voice or intuition does not mean we will fail to reach the final destination because we will. It just means the road will be a lot harder with more bumps and bruises.
Sometimes we have to take the road of not following our inner voice so that we can learn lessons that we failed to learn when our road was much easier. Recently I was put in a horrible position because I did not follow my intuition. Despite feeling nauseous, not being able to think straight, my palms sweating and every hair on my body standing straight up, all of my basic animal instincts warning me of danger, I dismissed them and allowed someone to force me to do something that I knew I should have avoided. And you know what I still have all those feelings even now because I know by dismissing my inner compass, I made my road that much harder.
But what I also decided from that experience is I have to take back my power and I have to somehow try to right my situation. It will be tough but I have to keep repeating to myself, “I am the only person that has power over me. I cannot allow anyone to take that away from me leaving me feeling defenceless and lost. I am worthy.”
That experience reinforced for me the importance of listening to my inner voice, that inner compass called intuition. I get the message Universe and I intend to take heed from now on. And so should you.

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