Wednesday 19 October 2011

Inner voice comes a calling

Mornings are getting difficult now because they are so dark and it is really hard getting out of bed when it still feels like it’s the middle of the night. All I want to do is roll over and pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. The motivation to get out of bed and face another day is becoming a challenge. This morning was no exception.
Every time I tried to close my eyes this morning and go back to sleep, a little voice in my head kept telling me that I was going to regret it if I did. So begrudgingly I made myself get out of bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor I felt energy surge through me.
I went to the family room door, pulled back the drapes and looked out at the night sky. Two bright stars in the midst of puffy clouds were twinkling against the black sky forcing me to inhale the possibility of today. I then exhaled and went into the kitchen to start my daily routine. For some reason about fifteen minutes later I felt compelled to go to the office window to look outside. The sight before me was amazing.
The dark sky was giving way to the morning sky casting an ambient light behind slightly orangey red clouds. I felt such joy after experiencing how quickly my mood was lifted when the dark gave way to the light. I stood at the window for a few minutes letting the tingling sensation resonate throughout my body as I whispered my gratitude for seeing another day dawning.
I walked back into the kitchen and immediately felt closed in so I opened all the shutters and windows to let the possibility being offered by the day in. The light in the kitchen immediately changed to reflect the shift in mood.
And what’s even more rewarding is after quietening my mind with a ten minute meditation I then pulled a life purpose oracle card and the card I pulled was “Infinite Abundance – You’re fully supported as you devote yourself to your Divine life purpose.”
I took this as a definite message from the Universe to remind me that the more I let go of worry and trust in the universe’s infinite abundance, the faster my flow of abundance will come. The card reinforced that “prayer and positive feelings improve situations, while worry worsens everything.” It also encouraged me, “to devote my actions to following the voice within, my career partner and manager, as it’s the voice of our answered prayer. All prayers are heard and answered; listen especially to the response that comes to you in the form of intuition.”
I am so glad I listened to my inner voice this morning telling me to get out of bed because had I not I would have missed the awakening of this beautiful day. And had I done so, I would not have remembered that the dark always gives way to the light. Though I am still in my period of seeking, with each day, the light is getting closer to me, I can feel it. I just need to remind myself to keep the faith and to listen to my inner voice. And for this lesson I am truly grateful.

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