Saturday 8 October 2011

Bird of Paradise

I had been hunting for the Bird of Paradise flower for several weeks. I felt that I needed it in my home. I didn’t know why. And when I finally found it last week Saturday at one of the local farmer’s stands, I knew it was meant for me because he gave me the whole bunch for $10. In the flower shops, one stem is usually $10! I was very pleased with my purchase.
Once I got the flowers home, arranged them in a long clear glass vase with rocks at the bottom and placed it in the entrance to my home, I could not believe how settled my being became. I felt a sense of peace, harmony and tranquillity wash over me and spread throughout my household.
Feelings of unrest were replaced with feelings of confidence and certainty. Every time I looked at my Bird of Paradise arrangement, I felt a knowingness spread through me. A knowingness that I am on a path that is taking me to a wonderful stage of my life.
Today when contemplating the week that is ending, my Bird of Paradise kept drawing me in asking me to understand its meaning before it loses it beauty totally. So I did and was astonished to find that the flower symbolism associated with the bird of paradise flower is freedom, good perspective, faithfulness (when given from a woman to a man). It also signifies magnificence and should be given to someone when they need a lift. It can be used to indicate exciting and wonderful anticipation.
All these things I needed but yet the flowers only became available to me when I was at the stage where I could appreciate them. As I reflect back over my week, I realise the strength and lift that I got from having the flowers in my presence helped me to experience a spiritual and inner freedom I had not felt for a long time. I am so grateful for once again following my intuition and allowing it to guide me to the natural remedy that I needed for the busy and pivotal week I experienced.
As I look at my beautiful Bird of Paradise hanging on to its last days of glory, its colours fading, its majestic plumes wilting, making way for its death, I marvel at how nature gives us the cures we need when we are ready to listen to it. I also am in awe of the splendour nature produces by being itself.

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