Friday 7 October 2011

We are all change agents

So where do we go from here? I don’t know about you but the death of Steve Jobs has left me reflecting on my life and whether I have truly lived my own life or whether I have been living everyone else’s life. Whenever a person like Steve Jobs, who we all consider to be in the untouchable class, dies it forces us all to address our own mortality.
Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s all we’ve got. As Jobs stated in his now infamous speech to Stanford University graduating class of 2005, when I look in the mirror if this was my last day on earth would I be happy with what I am doing? And my answer right now, in this moment, is a resounding yes because I am writing, at home with my family, and being very true to myself.
However I know that this period in my life is a transition period preparing me for something greater so I am trying to enjoy every second of this time and living each day as if it was my last. I am exploring many different options and paths to see how they resonate with my soul. I’m taking my time. Not rushing. Not forcing anything and for the first time in a long time I feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.
I sat this morning and watched the day break and thought of another profound statement from Jobs, “Death is life’s change agent – it clears out the old to make way for the new.” I watched as the night sky died away and was replaced with the morning light signalling a new day. A new beginning.
Death may be defined in many different ways as all endings signal death in some way. I attended the Great Debate last night about the state of Bermuda’s economy and saw a lot of fear and apprehension in people’s eyes. And what I realise from that experience is that my own country Bermuda is on the cusp of change. We have experienced a death of the wealth and care freeness of our economy. We are now in the period of transition and what we have to do is chart our next rebirth in such a way that the Island can once again prosper. Let the past go because it is dead and think fresh and new.
What the people of Bermuda, you, and I need to do is as Steve Jobs said, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” We can’t become complacent. We are a mature society and we must not let our past good fortunes lull us into thinking there is nothing more we can do. We are all change agents.

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