Monday 30 June 2014

A user friendly IPhone keypad for 50+ers

Well my tablet got the dreaded blue screen just before we left to fly to Boston. So I have to resort to writing my blog on my IPhone rather than a keyboard. Doing so requires me to have the patience of Job because my thoughts come faster than my fingers can get the correct letters on my this little wretched onscreen keyboard.
Are there any employees at Apple over 50? I honestly don't think there are because if there were they would know to make the letters much larger on the keyboard. Actually they would know the whole damn keyboard had to be larger so it would not take me all day to type what normally takes me a few seconds on a more reasonably sized keyboard. 
Do I sound frustrated? I sure hope so because I am. Inner peace is definitely eluding me at the moment for all those who think I am at peace all the time. No I am not because I am human and recognize I have to know turmoil in order to know peace. And right now turmoil is reigning. Not peace!
Okay now that I have vented a bit, I am seeing the funny side of my situation as well. I am cracking up about the words autocorrect comes up with when I am trying to say something else. And at the same time this whole auto correct thing is helping me to understand how easy it is for us to say one thing and mean another. To express a thought thinking we mean one thing while another interprets what we say from a completely different perspective as does auto correct with what I am typing. I should have left in some of the gems autocorrect came up with. But then again if I did the whole meaning of my blog would be lost. So slowly but surely I plod on. One letter at a time using only my index finger!
I am also understanding something about life. We are so busy anticipating what the person we are communicating with is going to say that we go to auto pilot and finish their thoughts before they even get them out. Often missing out on the salient details we needed to hear in order to understand where the person is truly coming from.
Conversations take on whole new meanings when we are totally present in them without jumping ahead. When we hear but don't listen. Without interjecting our own thoughts. When we truly listen we discover so much more about what others are thinking and how they are feeling.
Now I am getting really frustrated with this whole autocorrect because it is changing my words to make them sound like gibberish. And so I am having to slow down and read what I am typing so I can understand my own flow which is so frustrating because I am so used to the sound of a keyboard.  So used to it responding back to me through my fingertips, but still I have so much to be grateful for because of this little wretched keyboard I am still able post my blog even if if takes me ten times longer . At least I am doing it. Realizing perseverance pays off in the face of obstacles. One letter. One finger at a time in my case right now.
Now will someone at Apple come up with a user friendly keyboard phone for people over 50!!!! We aren't all technology dinosaurs - the majority if us just can't see as well as we used to.
Okay my hand is cramping now so I am taking it as a sign to stop. No namaste today okay Judy!

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