Saturday 14 June 2014

From breathless to grateful

Wow I have to say thank you to everyone who took the time out to like or comment on my coming out yesterday. I felt and feel so blessed to have so many of you in my life. Thinking of the roles you have played along the way in helping me to be who I am today. Thinking about the times I relied on some of you so much I could not have continued had you not appeared like angels in my life. And remained for as long as we needed each other. And then moved away. Like whispers in the night.
But time and technology are now allowing us to reconnect. To cross paths again. Paths that may not have intersected again had it not been for technology and I am so grateful to have you back in my life even if for a fleeting moment. Even if just a whisper in the night.
Posting my blog yesterday, my coming out blog complete with photos of me, was a very unnerving experience for me. A very vulnerable experience. I thought so many times about whether I should post it.  Worried about what others may think. Worried about those who would read it and criticize the photos I choose or the words I wrote. And even when I built up the nerve, I was hesitant to release it. Sitting on it for a few minutes. Taking deep breaths. Coaching myself and then I closed my eyes and with shaking hands and racing heart, I let it go. Surrendering me and my thoughts to you.
After I released me for a moment I felt like I could not breathe. Felt like I was naked exposing all of me to those who choose to read my blog to hate what I had done. To judge me. Waiting for the first like. Waiting for the first comment. Waiting to be talked about. And it felt like forever before someone liked my blog and me.
And then totally unexpected came the avalanche of likes and comments.  Instead of judgment came an outpouring of love and support from from far and near. Filling me with such emotion and pride. With such love and light. With such hope and inspiration.
Allowing me to know there is still a lot of love left in this world. A lot of stories to be told. A lot of stories to be written.  A lot of stories to be shared. And they only come when we are operating from a place of love and light. From a place of abundance and authenticity.  From a place where we can let go and let be. Where can be authentically who we are without having to change anything about ourselves.
Thank you to all who commented, liked or spoke to me about how you felt about what I had written and the photos I had posted. You don’t know how much you have given to me through the love you gave to me. There are no words for how I felt yesterday and still feel today.
And to my Erica Symonds, who told me my photos left her breathless, thank you so much. Breathless is how I felt when I released them but that breathlessness was from fear. Now that I have released them that breath that would not come has come and is here with me now because I am filled with all the breath that came from all of you who supported and reached out.
We are a sisterhood and a human community brought together to raise each other up. Not pull each other down. To extend a hand to those who need it in times of trouble so they can know they are not alone in their struggles. To let us know we are never alone in our struggles. Because with each breath we take, we are putting oxygen back into the air for another. With each step, we take, we are paving the way for another. With each hand we extend, we are providing a bridge for another to cross. And with each extension of love we make, we are giving love to the world.
I am so full right now that all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to give because I have received so much. And for you taking this journey of love and light with me, I am truly grateful because as you build me up so shall I you. Namaste. With gratitude, love and light…

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