Friday 27 June 2014

One year anniversary of the fire that came

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the fire that came. The fire that came and almost took all of our physical possessions from us. The fire that came to warn us. To remind us how quickly life can change. To remember that physical possessions are less important than life no matter how sentimental they may seem. Life is so much more valuable. So much more precious.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the fire that came. The fire that our neighbor spotted while we were out. The neighbor who alerted the authorities to come and save us from losing all of our physical possessions. The fire that came out of the blue in the morning light to warn us. To take heed that tomorrow is promised to no one and we must be grateful for everything that we have because it could all be gone tomorrow. The fire that came and nearly took it all from us.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the fire that came. The fire that was stopped at the edge of our home by diligent firemen. Firemen who told us had it been 5 minutes more, we would have lost it all. Our house would have exploded and all of our physical possessions would be gone. The day when my husband and I realized just how fragile life really is. Just how fragile we all really are. How fortunate we are that the fire was stopped. Stopped at the edge of our home. A few feet from the gas bottle that could have ignited and blown our major possession to smithereens. But for some reason we were spared. For some reason the fire came not at night when we were asleep in our beds; but in the morning when we were not here. When our neighbor was running late and smelt the smoke. Allowing her to save our home.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the fire that came. The fire that threatened to strip us of our physical possessions but was stopped before it did and could. Stopped to warn us that we have to be grateful for our lives. To live our lives as fully and as joyfully as we can because from one second to the next life is never the same. People come. People go. Possessions are physical trappings that we can’t take with us when we leave this Earth plain. That though we lost many special mementos, we had our lives. Our family still intact. Still together. That though we discovered some special things that we could never replace had been burnt beyond recognition, we had our lives. We had been spared. All of us and our home. How fortunate was that we concluded.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the fire that came. The fire that almost took us all but did not. Allowing us to be very grateful for the fire because it reminded us to be grateful for our lives. For waking up in the morning fully functional with all of our faculties working. For having a roof over our heads that is our own. Reminding me our angels are always with us. Guiding us through the fires that come out of the blue. Rescuing us from danger when it is not our time. And always always to remember to breathe with gratitude for everything that happens to us whether perceived to be good or bad.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the day the fire came. Though there are reminders of its arrival. Blackened bark on the long thin trunk of the palm that hung over where our old shed once stood. Shattered window with melted frame at the back of our house.  Chimney scorched from the heat of the flames. New palms have sprouted. Full and green. A new shed in the process of being built from stone this time in the place of our old plastic shed. Showing just how life changes from one year to the next – the same in some aspects and very different in others. that after death there is always new life. 
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary when our lives nearly went up in smoke and flames but they did not. We were spared. Spared to continue to move on leaving behind the mementos that were not meant to be a part of our lives anymore. Ridding us of the excess that was no longer necessary in our lives. Giving us space to create more memories and realize their importance because of the fire that came not in the middle of the night; but in the start of a new day. The new day that told us to look forward and not back. The day the fire came not to take our lives but to ignite them. Namaste.

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