Thursday 5 June 2014

Good morning sunshine

Good morning sunshine. Happy to see you again. Filling my heart and soul with love, possibility and abandon. Allowing me to see there is a new beginning whenever you appear. Letting me know that the darkness comes and the darkness goes when you come. Showing just how powerful the light is that it can take over even the darkest night.
What a blessing to wake up this morning to the beauty of you. Your very presence filling the sky with light and me too. Filling the world with your light. Rays of light shimmering through the clouds. Dancing and swaying showing us you are in command of the day. Taking over from the moon and the stars. Acting as my beacon as I move through this day.
Good morning sunshine. So glad to see you again. So glad to have you filling the sky and my life with love and light. Sometimes I take you for granted. Sometimes I get disappointed when you are covered with clouds but there’s one thing I know on a morning like this, even when you are hidden by clouds you are always there. It’s just sometimes your light is obscured - hidden from me by the dark and heavy clouds but you are never gone.  You are always there.
Reminding me that when my heart is heavy and there seems to be no light left in my world, there is always light just obscured temporarily by the darkness of the moment. But if I hold on, have faith and trust, you will appear again as you have on this glorious morning. Filling me again with love and light.
I am watching your morning dance as your light changes from time to time because of the clouds and I feel the urge to dance. To move with you. To move in the harmony of your light. To throw up my arms and laugh. Laugh as loud as I can because I am filled with your light. Filled with your magic. Embraced by your light.
Good morning sunshine. So grateful to have been born in a place where there is more sunshine than dark. Where your presence is more than your absence. Where mornings like these are more than not. Framing my world with hope and abundance when I stop and observe all that I have and all that is available to me simply by waking up in the morning. Simply by being present to the moment. Simply by looking out the window and seeing everything waking up. The birds flitting from tree to tree. The palm trees waving in the breeze. The clouds shape shifting like messenger from the All. Letting me know I am alive and able to do anything I want particularly the things I do not want because those are the things that will stretch me – challenge me to be the woman I came here to be.
Good morning sunshine. Thank you for being you and for being present more than not. For filling me with hope, desire and promise that this life is mine and it is up to me to be more present in my own life so I do not lose sight of your gift. So I do not lose sight of your light. So I do not take you for granted because you are more present than not.

And for your presence and magic and your light, I am truly grateful…Namaste

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