Tuesday 10 June 2014

Making dreams come true

Making dreams come true for others is such a treat for me. Because in showing them that dreams can and do come true when we truly know what we want and work for and go for it helps me to know that dreams do come true. When we know what we want and ask for it without fear or conflict. When we clearly know the direction that we want to go and do what we can to go that way, magic happens allowing our dreams to come true.
By making dreams come true for others, I open possibility up for myself because it allows me to know that sometimes dreams are not made by one but by many helping along the way. Helps me to know that we are more interconnected than we believe. Helps me to know that by freeing the mind of another to dream as big as they possibly can, I in turn free my mind too.
Dreams are universal and all of us have them. All of us want something deep down inside. All of us have the capability of making dreams come true by the way we live. By the way we treat others. By the way we treat ourselves.  The difference between those whose dreams come true and those whose dreams do not come true lies in being authentic and true to who we are. Not being afraid to express who we truly are and what we want out of life. And not to make our dreams come true at the expense of others. Not to dream the dreams of others or feel we have to live their dream rather than ours.
When we take from one, we take from all. When we give to one, we give to all. When we lurk in the shadows wishing bad karma on another, we are creating bad karma for ourselves. Life is always there waiting for us. Waiting for us to grab a hold of it and go for the ride. Because our lives are as large and as grand as our dreams. As colorful as those vivid pictures that come to us in our dreams because our dreams are an inner glimpse of what is going on inside us. An inner glimpse of our capabilities, vulnerabilities and what we truly believe about ourselves.
Making dreams come true for others is such a gift for me because in doing so it opens me up to possibility. Possibility far greater than the limitations I put on myself by holding on to my dreams. By believing dreams do not come true. By hiding from my dreams.
By helping others to reach their dreams, I am learning, does not hinder me. No it frees me and opens me up to know that dreams do come true. Opens me up to know it is up to me to voice my dreams without fear of being rebuked. Because if it is truly my dream and not the dream of another, it will come to me when I am ready and open to accept it. By making others dreams come true, I am also making my dreams come true.
I love making dreams come true because there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the light come on in the eyes of those whose dreams have come true. Nothing more rewarding than the feeling of dreams coming true. Because dreams are the magic of our minds. The will that keeps us going. The desire to be better than we are. To know better and to do better.
I love dreaming and making them come true. By helping to make the dreams of others come true, opens the possibility for my dreams to come true. What a wonderful gift to give and to receive at the same time - making dreams come true.

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