Saturday 28 June 2014

Another school year done

Another school year done. Another summer begun. Can’t believe how time is growing my children. Shaping them to be such beautiful and caring young people. I look in their eyes sometimes and wonder how time has hastened so much since the day they were born. How life seems to have slown for me but yet it hasn't because my babies are now grown. Both so independent, so assured, so grown.
Another school year done. Thinking back to when they entered the year they just completed and all they have done. My son now the tallest in the house. A man child determined to continue to be his own person. Determined to be who he is. Not worrying about what anyone else is doing. Just being who he is. Sometimes I wish I could get in his head and unlock the mysteries swirling through his brain. But I know I can’t and I have to let go because he has to learn in order to continue to grow. He has to explore to know what suits him and what doesn’t. And more importantly he doesn’t need me to tell him who he is or what he needs to do. He just needs me and his papa to guide him when he gets lost. If he gets lost – our cautious perfectionist son.
Thinking back to the year when my daughter entered the year she just completed in school about all she has done in that year. About how she and I are like mother daughter friends – the best relationship I could have asked for in a daughter. So assured, so loving, so beautiful and so caring. I know there is a chance our relationship will change when she becomes an adolescent but for now I am enjoying the bond we share. Sometimes I forget she is my daughter when she becomes like my girlfriend and we chat about life. Laugh about life. The relationship I had with my mother while she was alive, I now share with my daughter bringing tears to my eyes.
I marvel at my children. At how different they are; yet how they are the same. Both loving. Both caring. Both determined to be who they are. Not marching to the beat of anyone else but to the beat that is their own. I marvel at the bond they share – brother and sister – chatting together, holding secrets together, there for each other no matter what. I watch how they look out for each other. Go to each other in times of need or even to just touch base. I love seeing them together – my son and my daughter – my first born who will always hold a special place in my heart – my son and my last born – who will always hold a special place in my heart – my daughter. My son and daughter who will always hold a special place in each other’s hearts.
Another school year done. An ending giving way for another summer that has begun. Doors opening for my children to go through and explore more of who they are and whether what they think they want to do is really what makes their souls sing, their spirits soar and their whole beings vibrate. Remembering always all my husband and I are here to do is provide them with guidance, a sense of purpose and to give them as much love as we can. Then letting them go. Surrendering them to the world that will become their own. Leaving it up to them to find their centers and go out into the world as they are meant to be.  To find their purpose and to be it. Allowing them to follow their hearts and to be as happy as they can be.
So grateful to be a mother. To watch another school year end and to witness yet another summer begun with children that are growing, maturing and reaching for the stars. Another school year ended. Another summer just begun. The cycle of life right before my eyes as as I watch my first born and my last born blossom, branch out and grow right before my eyes. Love.

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