Friday 28 February 2014

A lesson from my niece about life

My niece recently sent me a note about something wonderful that has happened in her life. A breakthrough that she did not see coming even though she asked for it through prayer. And it reminded me that life gives us when we are true to ourselves. When we trust in the Universe. When we have faith to do what we are meant to do and then let go. Not letting any obstacle. Not letting any person. Not letting any fear get in our way. Because we know that we are nearing the Promised Land. And we know the only thing that stops us from entering the Promised Land is to feel unworthy. To feel like we don’t belong. To feel that only certain people can enter the Promised Land.
Forgetting that we all come from the Promised Land.  So why can’t we go back? We are cast out into the wilderness for reasons we asked to come here to be. We are cast out of the Promised Land so that we can find our way back and when we do all sorts of opportunities, doors, and paths we forget were available to us come to us. Become available to us because they were always there. 
And when we get those glimpses into possibility somehow we shut our ears to the naysayers. We close our eyes to those who will sell their souls to the devil so they can achieve their own personal success at the expense of others. We know that what goes around comes around and we remember to do what is best for us that will ultimately be best for all mankind. For everyone in our space and for those who may not be in our space but will benefit from who and what we become.
My niece did not realize at the time that by sending me her note of achievement. Her note of affirmation that she was on the right track, actually helped to restore my confidence in Spirit. Helped to ground me to the fact that life is all about what we believe about ourselves. When we allow in the snake charmers. When we doubt our abilities because we are surrounded by people who doubt theirs, we learn we are attracting these people into our lives because we have lost our way. Have forgotten the gifts that we inherently carry. The love that we have in our heart. The connection to the spirit that allows our hearts and souls to open again to follow our inner star. To know we are the shining example of love and light.
But when we remember, when we express gratitude, when we reconnect, we become one with the synchronistic path in life where one door leads to another to another until there are no more doors. Until there are no more barriers. Until we are embraced by the love and light of the Universal Force. Giving us the confidence to accept the tools that were available to us the whole time. Allowing us to tap into the Universal Force that unites, builds and lifts up.

Allowing us to become the ones, as my niece recently discovered, who do not just stand and observe the glass trying to decide if it is half empty or half full, we take the glass and drink what has been provided expressing gratitude for the abundance in our lives. And when we do, people see it and feel it and things start to happen that we always dreamed possible but were too afraid to admit let alone accept. Allowing us to glory in the Divine Spirit that has been with us all the time because we understand it is us. Because we understand the Promised Land is not over there but here right here in our hearts when we believe, when we have faith, when we let go and let be.
Thank you to my niece, my angel, for showing me the way again.

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