Wednesday 5 February 2014

Finding and reconnecting with beautiful things

There is a place for beautiful things in our lives. A place that lifts our souls and brings us joy. A place where the light comes in to help us to shine bright on our own. That place is a sacred space that we create on our own, through our own individuality and passion. That place is at our core and needs to be filled with beautiful things that mean the most to us.
Beautiful things are not necessarily material. They come with the sound of beautiful music. Music that lifts our soul. Music that resonates deep within us. Moves us. Fills us with passion and life. Beautiful music is individual to each one of us and changes according to where we are in our lives. What may be beautiful to me may not be beautiful to you. When I am feeling down and burdened, I often put on my earphones and allow myself to be swept away by a beautiful and lilting piece of music to another place and time. A place and time when life was beautiful to ground me to know that whatever is happening will pass as the song I am listening to will end. Everything has a place and time and everything ends at some point to allow us to move to the next stage of our lives. Ave Maria one of my favourite songs. Taking me on a journey. Barbra Streisand reminding me there are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned. Beyonce letting me know the importance of making my mark so others will know I was here when my time to depart comes.
Beautiful things also include stopping and taking the time to really see and appreciate nature. Bending down as I did yesterday to really look at a beautiful white/ pink rose that is blooming in my garden. Proudly displaying itself as I walk the pathway to my home. As I start to mount the steps, there is this delicate rose in its perfection. Petals like little pieces of velvet - delicate. Smell like an intoxicant. Colour, pure. And unadulterated. Inhaling the freshness of the rose grounding me to the stages of life – birth, growth and death. The cycle of life where there is living and trial inbetween.
Beautiful things also can mean reading a passage from our favourite authors. Maya Angelou telling us about the beauty of who we are. The strength of who we are by letting us know despite defeat in our lives, we may not allow ourselves to be defeated. Instead to know regardless of what happens, still I rise. Seducing me with her use of language. Allowing me to float and regain my passion. My romantic notion about life.  Lifting my soul. Allowing me to escape to a reality where there is no good or evil. Just beauty. Just uplifting words. Allowing me to remember there is beauty in everything,. Even in our challenge because it is the challenge that is forcing us to rethink what we are doing and where we are. Reading an uplifting passage transforms into a beautiful thing because it makes our heart sing and our spirit soar.
Beautiful things come in many different ways and many of them are free and cost us nothing except a shift in our consciousness to that which fills us with passion, forgiveness, grace, and possibility. That which allows us to reconnect with our authentic selves without having to sell ourselves to be that we are not. Beautiful things come when we allow ourselves to accept who we are and what we want because they ground us back to the basis of who we are and who we are not.
When our world seems to be spiralling out of control, it is the Universe whispering to us to stop, to find and reconnect with the beautiful things in our lives – those things that bring us peace, love and grace. Those things that fill us with passion. Those things that make our hearts sing and our spirit soar – the love in our lives – our families, a piece of art, a passage from one of our favourite authors, the voice of one of our best singers, a prayer, the perfection of a rose, a walk in nature. Only we know what the beautiful things are in our lives and reconnect with them when all else seems to be ugly in our lives that we will be free. Because it is the ugly that is asking us to remember the beautiful. The Yin Yang of life.
There is a place for beautiful things in our lives. A place that lifts our souls and brings us joy. That place resides within all of us. Deep within all of us and is accessible to us all when we are ready and willing to let go of the ugly to allow the beautiful to rise. When we let go of the ugly and make room for the beautiful to rise. When we see through the ugly for the beauty it brings. It is then that we make way for our hearts to sing and our spirits to soar because what we discover is that there is beauty in everything. Namaste.

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