Wednesday 26 February 2014

Lesson from less than perfect conditions

I am without the Internet this morning and went to bed last night without it as well. Thinking it was the Universe's way of getting me away from my Scandal and Olitz obsession, I accepted my fate, shut down my computer and went to bed. Albeit I tossed and turned because my addiction had not been satisfied. Still, I closed my eyes and dreamed it was Thursday night and I was watching the return of my addiction Scandal allowing myself to fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of Olitz being reunited.
Waking up this morning anxious to turn on my computer  to see whatever other teases the Scandal cast and crew are throwing out there only to find my Internet is still down.  My anxiety barometer went through the roof instantly as I start to experience true withdrawal symptoms. Shaky hands. Beads of sweat on my brow. Panicking about how I will possibly satisfy my need to see something about Scandal first and then about how I will write and post my blog. Oh and meditate to quell my racing and stressed mind.
And then like Eureka hits me reminding me I have these horrible small devices where typing is a nightmare and the screen is too small for us over 50 crowd but they at least provide me with a way to feed my addiction. I meditate first to calm myself to allow me the patience to type on this screen keyboard that drives me crazy at the best of times then I watch 1 Olitz YouTube before I begin this arduous task of typing on this little screen wishing I was born onto this era like my children do I would have had no problem using this method. Shrugging my shoulders and accepting my fate. Resigning myself to writing my blog in less than perfect conditions all while realizing the lesson I am being taught, particularly because my typing is not keeping up with my thoughts.
When we really want something there is nothing that can stop us from getting it except for us. Also if we always wait for the perfect conditions, we may lose out on the opportunity for us to experience the lesson we are being asked to learn.
So this morning I got to do all the things I wanted to do not necessarily in the way I wanted to do them but I did and you know what I feel rather pleased with myself that I did. Less than perfect but missions accomplished nonetheless.
Providing me with the ever so true saying, "where there is the will, there is the way". Namaste


  1. "When we really want something there is nothing that can stop us from getting it except for us." (Catherine Duffy)

    I love how you always delivers a lesson!

  2. Believe me it's as much a lesson for you as it is for me. My journey is sometimes hampered by my lack of faith in me.
