Monday 17 February 2014

Letting go of those who do not deserve a place in my life

Yesterday some news came to me from a source I least expected. News that there are people out there trying their best to disparage the name of my family. The names of my children. By gossiping and trying to belittle us. Trying their best to hide their intentions behind the cloak and dagger of victimhood.
Trying to conceal that it is them. Not us that need to find what their inner demons are. Because they don’t have the wisdom to know by doing what they are doing is showing it is them not us that need to go deep within to find what they lack.
Yesterday I got wind of some horrible things that are being said about me and my family from a source I least expected. And at first I was gutted. Could not understand why people who did not want to be in the presence of my family cannot handle the fact that we have given them what they asked for.  Moved out of their presence with gratitude and grace.
Accepting that sometimes we have to walk away rather than remain. That sometimes it is not worth the hassle to remain in a place where goodness does not reside nor does it belong. So we left without malice and certainly without regret.
But these people won’t let go. Can’t let go because they specialize in tormenting. In gossiping. In bringing others down regardless of age, sex, belief or religion. Because then they don’t have to take care of themselves. They don’t have to deal with what they need to deal with. They don’t have to take care of their own homes because they are so busy trying to destroy the homes of others.
Yesterday I heard some news that almost made me become like those that destroy. Almost made me want to get in the mud. Roll up my sleeves and become like those who specialize in spreading dark and malicious energy.
But I came home and spoke to my husband about what I had heard. Talked to him about the hurt I felt. About the pain I experienced because no matter how strong I am, no matter how much I strive to be in the light, I am human. And I am a mother and a wife who will try to protect my family from harm. From dark forces who are intent on trying to destroy what they cannot have because they do not understand that in order to have what they want, they must become what they want. Not what they do not want.
They must find love and light rather than wallowing in the shadows of life. Rather than trying to destroy, they must learn to create, to share, to delight in themselves so they can delight in others. They must learn there is enough abundance in this world that they don’t have to take from others.  In order to receive, they must learn that life gives back exactly what we put out.
Until they learn these fundamentals about life, they will never find satisfaction, love or trust. All they will find is darkness and lack. Hatred and regret.
Yesterday I got wind of horrible news that is being spread about my family. And at first I wanted to destroy. Give back to those people what they are doling out. But then I realized there is no need to respond. No need to jump in the mud. No need to become the darkness. Because it is not what I want in my life.
So this morning when I woke, I decided to write. To set the pain I felt down on paper in order to release it. Surrender it back to the place from which it came. Closing my heart to those who do not deserve a place in it. Releasing them. Surrendering them back to the place they came without malice or the need for retribution.
Instead I surrender them back to where they came with forgiveness, peace, love and light because they obviously need it more than they even know. Wishing them the best in their lives. Recognising their lives have nothing to do with my family’s nor mine unless I allow them in.
Particularly when I read this morning meditation, “In this age of degeneration, when one meets all sorts of problems and adverse circumstances the practice of generating positive thoughts is very effective. If someone lacks this practice, even though that person might be a very serious meditator, he or she will meet with many hardships and hurdles.”
Once I read this message, I knew I was being answered by angels, by the Divine telling me to let go and to forgive by not inviting trouble back into my life. And so I listened and am listening by resisting the temptation to become like those dark forces who are intent on destroying human good. Instead I am turning to the light. Looking up rather than down because after all I will never find rainbows if I am looking down. And what a horrible fate that would be.


  1. I am sorry that your family and you are having to deal with something like this. You have written about it and shared (when you didn't have to) and many of us can relate to what you are going through and what you are saying! The high road is a lonely place but it brings peace of mind, dignity and self-respect and your children learn from you, through you. Bless. Namasté.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There is a silver lining in every cloud. And today I see that silver lining because it is allowing me to see beyond the darkness and into the light. Thank you as always for your support. Namaste

  2. This was necessary today. I needed to be reminded that although we strive to be strong, we square our shoulders, (fully aware that they are broad and capable), we are only human. Although our nature is often to nurture and protect, there are days when putting on the armor of self protection feels heavier than others. Days when beneath that shiny armor is real fragility and a desire to have our true selves be seen, not to have it reflected through someone else's prism of mistruths, selfishness, or ill intentions. Saying all that to say...I hear you!

    1. Anonymous, I may not know who you are but our hearts ans souls touched today. Thank you for such a beautiful message.
