Saturday 21 December 2013

Slowing down can be really loud

We are such complicated people
Never sure about what we really want
When we are busy, we complain about being too busy
When life slows down in response to our request for a reprieve
We worry that we aren’t needed or wanted
We start to feel insecure
Wondering what we are meant to do next
Instead of taking the time to listen
Listen and appreciate the time our brain is giving us
To hear what it has been trying to tell us all along
Giving us the gift of time to be
To just be
Without hustling and bustling
Without rushing about blindly
When we are given the gift of time by the Universe
It is because we are deserving of it
Because we are in need of it
To get in touch with who we are
What we want out of life
And to get us back in touch with our essence selves
Sometimes it is hard for us to see ourselves face to face
To listen to ourselves
To hear that voice
Because sometimes it is telling us what we don’t want to hear
What we fear
What we don’t want to face
That maybe we are running around like a chicken with its head cut off
Because it is easier than having to face our demons
Than having to accept we need to make some changes in our lives
That some people in our lives are not there for the right reasons
That people can’t change as it is their nature
Regardless of new buzz words like behaviour
Behaviour is a direct result of our natures
We are who we are
As they are who they are
And no matter what we do
There is nothing we can do to change them
Only whether we want them in our lives or not
Some people are just dishonest and conniving
Because they are very insecure
And we know it 
But there is something about us that is being reflected back from them
And more importantly the path we may be on is not the path for us
And the Universe is answering us
By slowing us down
Giving us a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of life
And asking us to surrender
To listen
To hear
To see
To feel
Who we are
And who we are not
The question becomes
Are we brave enough
Willing enough
To see
To feel
To hear
To listen
To surrender?
Or will the noise of our silence
And quietude
Be too loud for us to bear?

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