Friday 27 December 2013

In gratitude for my husband gifting me a new computer

I am so excited this morning. I have a new computer. My own personal computer again. Thanks to my wonderful husband who gave it to me for Christmas. Partially because he wanted me out of his space and off his computer and partially because he knows how much having personal space is so important particularly for me as a writer.
 I don’t know if any of you noticed that the font on my blog was changing constantly. The rhythm of my writing was slightly different because I was using my husband’s computer as my computer died ages ago.  And for me as a writer, it was frustrating and strangely liberating at the same time to be on my husband’s computer because I had to learn to let go. To accept that sometimes my writing would not look the same nor feel the same but I was writing nonetheless.
 And now I have my own computer again. One that I can personalize just for me so I am consistent when I write. So the rhythm is established and I know from day to day what it will look like with gratitude.
I have to admit I have to get used to this keyboard now. I have to get used to its feel. Its sound. Its response to my fingers. But I can handle it. I can be patient. I know soon this keyboard and I will become one. Anticipate each other’s needs and desires.
I am being a little apprehensive with it because it is so new and it sounds so loud. And because I write early in the morning I try not to make too much noise because I don’t like to wake up my household because I like to write on my own. Without distractions. Without anyone else needing me for anything.
I write when there is silence on most occasions so I can hear the voice of the Divine. So I can become intimate with all that is, was and ever will be. So I can journey to my soul. To the place where there is nothing and there is all. And when I do I can hear the voice loud and clear and even when I don’t, I can feel it through the tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. The rhythm my fingers take on without me even trying.
But this morning I am a little sluggish because my excitement is on having my own computer, sitting back in my own chair, facing my painting by Bear Cloud my husband gave me for my 50th birthday. Seeing more in there than I had before. Looking out the windows again from my own angle seeing the view from my own perspective rather than my husband’s.
So this morning I am allowing myself to become reacquainted with my own space. The space I had been taking for granted when it was mine before and did not change except when I changed it. But now it feels so new, so strange, so mysterious that I feel possessive and joyful to have it back. To experience my space again for the first time.
Realizing what I am experiencing is a lesson in not taking anything for granted. To learn to appreciate everything and everyone in my life regardless of how long they have been there because when they are gone or taken away, I will miss them and realize just how much they meant to me. And for my own computer back again teaching me about how little things in life can make such a huge difference when we appreciate them and show gratitude, I am truly grateful and excited and possessive all wrapped up in one.
To know there is no such thing as mundane as everything is part of our existence and more importantly a part of our living life to the fullest is such a joy. Such a blessing. Such. Such. Such.  And for my new computer, my own space back again, my own view and my lesson about life, I am truly and utterly grateful. Namaste.

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