Friday 1 November 2013

Accepting the power of the Universe

Yesterday was one of those days that was off the charts. A day of beginning and endings. Of hand overs and hand offs. A day of openings and closings. A day of renewal and rejuvenation. A day of possibility so exposed that I felt like I was vibrating with the Universe.
I took the day off from work thinking I would relax but ended up doing several things that felt like I was working but for the better good. Work comes in many different forms. Sometimes we are doing things for the betterment of mankind. For the betterment of our human race. But always we are doing things for the betterment of ourselves and in doing so it translates into the betterment of everyone.
 When we work on ourselves, we work on the Universe. When we give from our hearts, our actions have a ripple effect on the whole entire Universe. When we love, our love radiates out into the world. Making life seem less threatening and opening us to receive more love.
Life is full of opportunities to give and receive. To teach and to learn. To be open to the Universe and to feel its rhythm deep down in our souls. And sometimes when we are at the right vibrational level as I was yesterday, we can feel the actual vibrations that occur every single day – the pulse of the Universe. The rhythm of Mother Earth’s heartbeat.
Connecting to our own. Reconnecting us to the One Source. To the place where all is known. Where we emanate from. Where the spirit permanently resides. And when we do, there is nothing but bliss, harmony and understanding as well as acceptance and love. Allowing us to be. Just be.
When we do, we know from a very deep place, we can face anything, do anything because we accept whatever comes our way is for us to learn or to teach. Life is always pulling us, prodding us. To remember who we are and what we are capable off. Strip us of the protective armour we layer on to shield ourselves from hurt, pain and mistakes. When in fact, it is the hurt and pain and mistakes that lead us to our inner most selves. Our core selves. Our vulnerabilities and sensitivities. Our inner child crying out for attention. The child in all of us that never really becomes jaded by mankind but sees the love and light in everything. And wants us to as well.
Yesterday was one of those days when I felt like I was on top of the world because I connected so deeply with the resonance of Mother Earth, with the depth of Father God, with the Eternal flow of the Universe. Opening my mind, body and soul to all that is, was and ever will be. Accepting there are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned.
And when I am truly living, truly growing, truly exploring, I will fall flat on my face time and time again. Only to rise up again as a better and stronger person. If I so choose.
Taking away the fear of living and replacing it with a joy of living. Of being in the pulse and vibrating to the heart beat of Mother Earth

Loving that all of this happened because I started the day full of gratitude, love and light. Allowing me to receive them back in turn. Allowing me to receive back the power of the Universe because I accepted the power in me. Namaste.

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