Thursday 7 November 2013

Ask for what you want

“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” Maya Angelou
A wonderful and powerful quote I came across spoken by the very wise and timeless Dr. Maya Angelou. When this woman speaks, profound words usually roll out of her mouth. She is a modern day Sage to me.
When I saw these words and pondered on them for a bit, I felt them deep down inside. And thought about how often we ask for something and then when we get it, realize it wasn't what we really wanted in the first place. That we weren't ready for what we asked for yet or didn't really mean to ask for it in the first place. Or thought what we asked for would bring us instant satisfaction and happiness. Only to find ourselves disappointed. Tired. More stressed because with any change, there comes a period of discomfort and confusion. There is no such thing as instant gratification because life is a process.
We are constantly sending conflicting messages to ourselves and to the Universe. When we ask for a new job, a new relationship, or for anything that will deliver us from the oppressive situation we may find ourselves in, and then we get it, we discover it wasn't really the new job or relationship or anything but where we were, we were seeking, it was a basic desire we were lacking not really the situation change we got.
But what we attract with the new job or relationship sometimes turns out to be worse than what we had because we had not dealt with our own internal battles. Forcing us to discover our underlying desire still remains unfulfilled so we end up bouncing from one situation to another because we have not settled within ourselves what it is we truly want. 
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it”,  is very powerful because what it tells us is that the Universe always answers our strongest desires and requests in exactly the way we ask for it so we must always be prepared for what comes our way because we are the directors of the movie of our lives.
In order to get what we truly want and need, we must give ourselves the opportunity to be still, to be quiet, to walk in nature or whatever allows us to hear our inner voice, to hear our deepest desires bringing forth the truth of what we need and want. Only after these moments of quiet contemplation, meditation or prayer should we then ask for whatever it is that we want.
That way we will be prepared to get what comes our way knowing it may not manifest in the way we envisioned but we will be given our greatest desire in the form that will be best for us to handle. Allowing us to accept our gift from the Universe, the answer to our prayer with love and gratitude rather than with regret and disappointment.

Life is all about the messages we send out into the Universe. All about who we are because we attract who we are over and over again. And more importantly life is a process. Change after change. Decision after decision until we find the rhythm of our existence. The reason we are here because we always get what we ask for. The question becomes are we prepared to receive it?
The moral of the story is be careful what you ask for because you might just get it.....

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