Friday 8 November 2013

Letting go opens us up to infinite possibility

Yesterday I was talking to my Spirit Mother. Telling her about my frustrations about where I am going in my life or at least where I am not going. Lamenting about knowing what I want but not being able to get there. That what I am seeking seems to be eluding me. But what I am  not seeking seems to be finding me all the time. Forcing me to have to make decisions I did not think I would have to make at this point in my life.
She told me I am so lucky because at least I know what I want. So many people go through life not really knowing what they want. And I thought about our conversation all day after that. Went to bed with it on my mind. Woke up this morning to do Day 5 of the 21 Days of Gratitude  Meditation series and found a true gift from the Universe, an answer to my concern in Day 5’s meditation called, “Setting Goals and Letting Go.”
The daily thought alone sent chills down my back, “I set my goals, allow the power of the Living Universe to take over and I enjoy the ride.”
Followed by this gem of advice by Tao Te Ching, “When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be.” Wow, I thought. Wow.
And that’s when it all hit me. The majority of my life has been lived in the flow. Living by letting go and trusting in the Universe that everything is going to be okay. That if I wake up in the morning, I am being given the opportunity to live another day. Live my life to the fullest. Not dwell on what was or what could be but just to appreciate the moment I am  in.
And it all really started with the death of my mother when I was thrown into such a tail spin that I could not make out the difference between intention or expectation, light or dark so I decided to just exist. To just live. To just be rather than try to understand the unknowns. Rather than try to dictate where I am meant to be in life. To just enjoy the ride.
But then once I became a mother and I wanted so desperately to be the best role model I could be for my children and to be there for them every step of the way, I began to set goals and hold on to them thinking I would show them how wonderful I am and how I can manifest anything I want instantly. Frustrating myself to no end.
What I discovered even more so was when I returned to the work world after being absent for eight years was that people were very goal and task oriented. The business world had changed from the one I knew and loved where we established relationships with our customers to one of delivering results. So I, too, started thinking that way and found something was lacking within me.
Listening to Louie Schwartzberg this morning brought everything back into perspective for me and helped me to understand rather than trying to control every aspect of my life, I must go back to being the girl that knew it was wise to make room for what I do not consciously  know.  To embrace the unexpected surprises that may be waiting for me.
He reminded me that once we set our intention, it is  important to have faith that the  power of the Living Universe will bring us more than what we ever imagined. As has been the case for most of my life.
When I look back to the day I become a Motherless Daughter and the light seem to go out of the world and then fast forward to the present moment, I see myself as the woman of light I have become and am still becoming so much so that I am filled with gratitude and wonder.
Letting go of attachment for narrow specific results opens the soul, the heart and the true self to new heights. Allowing us to soar like the Phoenix. Rising from the ashes over and over again as one intention dies to give birth to another allowing my life to move in directions I never imagined.
According to Louie, It is “the mystery of the unknown that sets colour and dimension to our lives.” That statement is so true. So inspiring because it allows us all to move into that space of wonder and gratitude giving us all the ability to receive the gifts and treasures of the Universe when we have faith and trust that we are exactly where we need to be.
Practising gratitude daily by giving thanks for having the ability to not only dream our dreams but to  live them opens us up to infinite possibility. Being mindful of our thoughts so that when the path becomes rocky or takes an unexpected turn, we remember tot take a deep breath, stop and  listen to our soul’s message then repeat, “I set my goals, allow the power of the Living Universe to take over and I enjoy the ride.”
Releasing the need for control. Hard I know because we always want to know what is happening to us and those around us all the time. After all we are in an age of instant news. Instant results so we have grown to expect the same for ourselves.
We have become conditioned to believing that if we make a decision, instantly everything in our lives will change. Isn’t that what the Internet has taught us? Isn’t that what we see on our friend’s Facebook pages – these beautiful, colourful glossy lives captured in an instant?
But what we don’t see is all the production that goes on behind the scenes to get the glossy perfect pictures and stories out into the world. The mishaps, the unexpected detours that allowed the glossy pictures and tall tales in the end -  the process is not captured for us to see.
And that is what we must remember. What we see as outcomes are not indicative of the process that took place to get to the final result.
It is important to have goals, intentions and an idea of who we want to become and what we want to do but it is even more important to let go of our goals, intentions and thoughts of who we are in order for us to become what we might be. If we are so rigid in our expectations, we lose sight of the paths that come our way every day. The detours that can get us to where we would like to be in the most unexpected ways.
When we close our eyes to the infinite possibilities because we have set our intention or goal because we believe the path we are on is the only way we will get to where we want to be, we may find we lost the opportunity to become something more than what we ever imagined for ourselves.

What a beautiful meditation this morning. What a wonderful gift from the Universe. “Being unattached to one specific form of any goal is how we leave room for wondrous surprises that may turn out better than we ever imagined.” Letting go opens us up to more opportunities than we ever imagined. Wow. And amen.

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