Thursday 21 November 2013

The path less travelled

There are times when we need the advice of others. There are times when we need to consult with others.
There are times when we know what we have to do despite what others may do or say.
And there are times when we have to let go of others in order to do what we have to do.
There are times when we have to be discerning. And know who is there to guide us and who is there to detract us.
Knowing that when we are at the precipice of a major breakthrough, we will attract the cheerleaders and the naysayers. And sometimes we cling to the advice of the naysayers because they enforce the doubt we carry. Build it until we can no longer see the path - only the darkness of the wilderness. 
So we have to be brave enough. Strong enough to not allow the fear inside of us to cling on to the ones that will keep us cemented to the place we are in even when we know the place no longer serves us.
We have to be courageous enough not to seek out the ones who will talk us out of what we need to do because what we need to do feels alien to them. Threatens them. Frightens them.
There are times when the uncertain is all there is and no one will or can understand what uncertainty brings.
Particularly us because we are in the wilderness to explore the many paths that will lead us home.
Remembering always it is the journey rather than the destination that brings us the most joy. The most growth. The most insight. The most power to go beyond our fear.
Whenever I find myself feeling uncertain, afraid of not knowing what to do,I seek internal solace first and then I use my gut to take me to people that will help me, advise me. But even then I am learning all I want from them is a place of comfort. A place to hear my own thoughts out loud. A person I can trust emphatically to be on my side and not on hers.
I am also learning no matter who I speak to, no one can walk my path except for me. No one can understand the conflict I am truly feeling except for me. And because they can’t, they can’t see the light of the stars shining down on me through the canopy of the trees because sometimes that light is only meant for me to see. Not for them.
They can’t feel nor hear the spirit moving within me. Pushing me. Helping me to move to where I need to be.
What I am beginning to understand is their advice becomes a part of my journey - an invaluable part but not the be all and end all. We are all drawn together for reasons only time will tell.
But what I know for sure is when we are about to make a major breakthrough, we attract our confident energy as well as our fearful, doubtful energy. Both dueling to show us the way – one forward and the other backward. Neither decision being the wrong one but one being the longer one. The more difficult one.
I am also learning no matter how clever we may think we are, the only life we can live is our own. We cannot live another’s life. And we can never be in their shoes. So we need not judge nor condemn others for the decisions they make because we are not them.
Sometimes we have to walk our path alone because only we can see the detour signs. The redirect signs. 
Only we can hear the voice of the Divine - leading us, calling us, ushering us along.
But only after we stop asking for everyone else’s advice. When we learn to trust we are being led to where we need to be. When we surrender to the will of who we are and what we are meant to be.
Accepting no one can walk our path but us because we are all unique beings sent here to learn the lesson we asked to learn. And only we can learn by finding our path through the wilderness through our silence and our silence alone.
Courageous enough to take the path less travelled -  the one that is leading us home.

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