Thursday 14 November 2013

A lesson from the stars this morning

This morning I felt compelled to go to the window. To look outside. To feel the presence of the outside. The world. The possibility. As a matter of fact this whole week has been that way for me. The dawn of a new day has been beckoning me . Asking me to listen to the silence of the new day. Of the new beginning. To hear in the silence all that I need to hear. To drink in with my eyes the presence of new beginnings. Awakenings occurring every single day.
So this morning I went to the window and looked out and at first all I saw were heavy clouds. Thick white clouds in the otherwise dark sky. I thought to myself another day of rain, wind and darkness. No stars. No light. Just darkness. Rain and wind again. Bah  hum bug was the mood I was about to put myself in.
And just as I was starting to feel an oppression coming on about the weather, when I looked closer, I saw them there, not as bright as usual but there nonetheless, the stars hidden in plain sight. Waiting for me to get beyond the expectation I had that it was another dark and gloomy morning because I had woken up to pouring rain and high winds.
The stars suddenly appearing before my eyes let me know they were always there but I was too busy seeing what I wanted to see rather than what was there and available for me to see. Teaching me that too often we do that in life as well. We go out into the world armed with our expectations and foregone conclusions that we do not see the opportunity the abundance, the light right there in front of us. Waiting for us to discover them. Waiting for us to see what has been hidden in plain sight for us all along. Asking us to stop and to be aware of all that is available to us and to be grateful for its existence.
As I stood and looked at the stars I felt the magic of that moment spreading through my whole being. The fullness of all that is, was and ever will be filling me with great hope and possibility to know I am a part of the whole. I am all that I wish to be when I stop and go within to listen to the all-knowing voice of mine that will never lead me astray unless I fail to take heed or refuse to listen.
I gloried in the light of the morning stars even though they were not as bright nor as luminous as they normally are because what they showed me is that there is always light, always a way even in our darkest hour as long as we are willing to let go of our expectations and surrender to the moment we are in. Surrender fully and totally to allow us to see what has always been there waiting for us all along. The truth and the light showing us the way to our glory and  salvation.

And for the morning stars, hidden in plain sight, awakening me to the spirit that resides in me and in us all, I am truly grateful. The source of our abundance, possibility and light is always there for us even when we think it is not. It is. Always. Nasmaste.

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