Wednesday 27 November 2013

I believe. I trust. I let go

Having faith in who we are and what we came here to be and do is one of the most powerful gifts we can ever give ourselves because in doing so we learn to let go, to surrender. To be who we are and not reach for who we think we should be. We learn in our heart of hearts in order to get anything we have to let go of our attachment to the result. We have to surrender our expectations in order to make way for what is coming our way.
By blindly pursuing a goal, with our eyes cast steadfastly on the finish line, we miss out on the vastness of the opportunities that are available to us abundantly and freely. That are trying to reach us but we cannot see them because we are so intent on getting to the finish line. So intent on achieving our goals and objectives that we do not see the path of gold that has been laid before our feet. The feast of life displayed before us - ready for us to sample.
We do not see the beautiful flowers swaying in the breeze. We do not feel the gentle breeze caressing our faces. Willing us on. All we see is what we want and nothing else. And when we become so intent on the outcome, we become more and more frustrated with why we can’t get there. Why it keeps eluding us. Until we stop and allow ourselves to be still. To surrender all outcomes to the Divine. Only when we let go and become detached from the outcome do we allow ourselves to open to the abundance of the Universe. The good that has always been there asking us to stop. To be who we are - right here, right now. Not the person we want to be over there. Not the goal we want to achieve over there but to appreciate every step we are taking in our lives. To be fully present to the person we are right here, right now.
And then in the words of Deepak Chopra, we understand that our “true self is the source to all abundance. It is the consciousness that knows how to fulfill every need. Nothing we lose can take away from our wholeness and nothing we gain will take away from who we are.” Because we already are.
When I learn, as Chopra so eloquently says, to let go and allow opportunity to come my way, I open myself to the fullness of who I am and who I came here to be. This is probably one of the most difficult lessons to learn and to keep when we are in a world where goals and objectives are the norm. When the future is more important than the present. When we are taught to live for a day that may never come. When success is measured on how much we can accumulate. When everything around us seems to happen instantaneously. But in reality what I am learning is nothing happens instantaneously, everything happens in its time and often after an inner journey to accepting who I am and being present and grateful for who I am allowing me to live as the thought by Deepak Chopra says, “ I believe. I trust. I let go.”

I am who I am as I am right here, right now and for who I am I surrender without expectation, attachment or fear because all things are possible when I let go. Namaste.

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