Tuesday 1 October 2013

Goodbye September, hello October

Wow, September certainly went out with a bang for us in Bermuda yesterday. The violent thunderstorm cracking through the air. Torrential rain. Flooded roads. Dark, dark morning making us feel like we were going to work in the dark as lightening sliced through the dark morning sky followed closely behind by booming thunder.
I have to admit, there was something refreshing about the storm for me which is very strange because normally thunderstorms terrify me. For some reason yesterday morning, I felt a great respect for it. No fear of the storm whatsoever but a great appreciation for what it was doing for our atmosphere. I thought to myself I either could be grateful for the force of nature or afraid of it. But whichever way I felt, it would not change the force or the outcome because nature is what it is and has no direct bearing on what I think and feel. It will do whatever it has to do in spite of my fear of it.
So I inhaled deeply and allowed the booming of the thunder to resonate through me. I watched the lightning flash by me and offered a silent prayer to the Universe that my family, my home and everyone in Bermuda would be safe from the storm. I drove with caution through the downpours trying to avoid the flooded roads as much as I could to prevent being stuck in the floods.
By the time afternoon came, the evidence of the storm had long gone replaced by the full and hot sun. The afternoon very different from the dark morning. The heat of the sun more than making up for the rain and dampness of the start of the day. For the last day of September. As I drove home last night, I looked up at the night sky thinking I had left home in the dawn light of the new day completely surrounded by thick, heavy, dark, cumulus clouds and heavy rain but yet I was now driving back home under a dark sky but this time it was meant to be dark because it was the night. The night sky felt very inviting because compared to the morning sky it was fairly clear with a large star in the West shining down on me. As if it was guiding me home.
Realising I was seeing the ending of another day, another month, I revelled in the glory of the beautiful night sky with gratitude. The air feeling fresh. Possibility abound. Abundance. And I said thank you to the Universe for showing me that though we may start out stormy and dark, the storm eventually passes allowing us to appreciate the splendour and beauty that exists in our everyday lives.

So I say goodbye to September with its stormy passing and greetings to October with its calm arrival by comparison with gratitude for still breathing, living and experiencing. Knowing whatever storm I may be experiencing, it too will pass and I will go on to appreciate the calm after the storm. Here’s to a whole new month, October, the true month of Fall in earnest. With gratitude,honour, and respect. Namaste.

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