Tuesday 15 October 2013

Finding our true selves through meditation

Yesterday morning, I did the most beautiful and enlightening meditation. I loved it so much I want to share that experience. The meditation was about finding our true selves.
And it began by stating that our natural state is to be peaceful, joyful and happy until we disturb it. Meditation is a way to let go of things that disturb our natural state. It is the way to find the happy, joyful, and peaceful person that is at the core of who we are.
Meditation allows us to transcend the superficial and brings us back to the meet our true selves. That part of us that lives deep down inside that is love. It allows us to break down the barriers of conditioning, fear, uncertainty and resistance we build up in an effort to protect ourselves from heartache and pain to allow us to get to the essence of who we are.
Meditation allows us to see the barriers we have built up are truly what are causing us the pain and heartache because they force us to remain barricaded from love rather than open to receive love. These barriers keep us mired in scarcity rather than allowing us to see the abundance that is freely available to us. These barriers keep us feeling afraid rather than empowered. It is through the process of meditation that we are allowed to quiet our minds, to break down the barriers and go back to the place of the beginning and ending, to the place of eternal and abundant love and light to understand who we are – truly are. Creatures of love, light, peace, happiness and joy.
Meditation allows us to peel away the layers, like the skin of an onion, that hide us from our true selves by helping us to understand each layer is a shallow substitute for who we truly are. And with each layer removed, we feel lighter, joyful, peaceful and happy. We feel possibility rather than impossibility. We feel love rather than hate and hostility. We feel abundant and purposeful rather than scarcity and useless.
That’s why it is so important to take time each day to focus and centre ourselves. To still our minds and go deep within. To peel away the layers that hide us from ourselves and to dwell in that place for a few minutes, hours, or whatever time it takes for us to reconnect with our inner sanctum of peace, joy and happiness. To bring forth the best of ourselves for ourselves so we can radiate that part of who we truly are out into the world. And when we do, we will find the world is full of joy, peace, love and happiness.
We realise how many layers we have built on top of our essence selves causing us to see with certainty that it is us that are creating the illusion of a world filled with war, hatred, hostility and scarcity because that is what we are projecting.

We understand when we meditate or quiet our minds that the world we live in and believe in is the world we create by the energy we project and the thoughts we create because our world is a reflection of our projection. Finding our natural state of being is the gift we can give to ourselves to live the life we truly desire and need. And we can achieve this by simply setting aside time each day to reconnect with who we are, truly are, naturally. Namaste.

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