Monday 7 October 2013

In gratitude to my daughter for reminding me to live in the moment

Saturday evening my daughter and I were driving home from her rehearsal for her upcoming performance in South Pacific when she said, “Sunday is my least favourite day of the week.”
“Why?” I asked her.
“Because the next day is Monday,” she replied. “A whole new week of school and work for people.”
“You know, I used to feel the same way,” I answered her.  “I used to dread Sundays because all I could think about was Monday being the next day and having to start all over again. And a lot of people feel that way. But now I tell myself to be grateful for waking up to see another Monday. To have the ability to start all over again. To have the wherewithal to begin anew. Some people never get that chance. Some people go to bed on Sunday and never see another Monday. So there is a lot to be grateful for.”
“Wow,” she answered. “True. I never looked at it like that before.”
“Neither did I until I was 50 years old,” I told her. “Be grateful that you are thinking about it now and you have someone who has given you a head start in gratitude. Gratitude will take you a long way and get you through those days when you dread everything around you because you will realise no matter what, there is always something to be grateful for. Like waking up on a Monday morning.”
“True,” she said. “Very true.”
“And you know what else, just enjoy the rest of this day for what it is. Stay in this moment. And don’t think about tomorrow. Don’t think about Monday. Enjoy having the rest of this evening and tomorrow before Monday comes and that way you won’t overlook whatever it is that comes your way.”
“Okay mommy,” she replied. “Okay.”
Then because she had sparked a joy for life in me as well, I turned to her and asked, “Do you want to go to the new yoghurt place before we go home?”
Her little eyes lit up. She could not believe her luck. “Oh yes, please” she answered. Her eyes dancing mischievously as our child spirits connected joyously taking in the moment of frivolousness. Both of us fully present in our mutual understanding of gratitude.
As we got out of the car, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight and I felt her love pouring into my whole being so I squeezed her hand back. We walked hand in hand, mother and daughter, sharing a silent space of gratitude and love between us. Of girlhood. Spontaneity.
We got treats for ourselves and for our men waiting for us back home. Then we drove silently home together reflecting on what we both got out of our conversation. Me feeling good for helping my daughter to get over the Monday blues. Hoping she will remember our conversation and our spur of the moment trip to the Yoghurt shop for a long time so she won’t feel bad about Sundays any more but will cherish each and every breathing moment she has on this earth. As will I. As I hope will you too.
In gratitude to my daughter for reminding me to live in the moment.
Happy Monday everyone. Namaste.

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