Thursday 1 May 2014

When we are vulnerable

When we are vulnerable, we are at most risk for allowing people into our lives that seek to take advantage of our vulnerability. Seek to influence us to carry out their agenda rather than helping us to move forward with our lives.
When we are vulnerable, we project an energy that lets those who seeks power to come into our lives and direct us with their thoughts, their ideas, their ideals. They smell our vulnerability and use it as a means to empower themselves while disempowering us. They falsely make us believe we need them to survive.  Make us think they are there to help us when in fact they want to hinder us. Keep us in a perpetual state of vulnerability so they can control our thoughts, actions and choices.
They know that when we are vulnerable we are easily led particularly when we feel the world is against us and we believe we keep getting pushed back rather than forward. They listen to our problems, concerns and fears and then lure us into their worlds by making us believe they understand us and want to help us when in fact all they want is to keep us in our place of vulnerability. They want us to remain in our place of darkness because then we will believe we are victims. And when we believe we are victims, we look for others to blame for the situations we find ourselves in. 
There are many false prophets arising because we have created them, allowed them to rise. Allowed them to become powerful because we have become so focussed on finding the magic pill. The instant fix that will change our circumstances. Because we have been hoodwinked into believing the promised land is outside of ourselves.
We have become transfixed with the need for someone to lead us out of the darkness rather than looking at ourselves and redefining who we are. Rather than accepting we have the ability to bring forth change ourselves. We don’t need someone to make us feel worse than we already do or continue to feed us with the darkness we are so filled with. But we get sucked up by the rhetoric because we don’t want to believe we are contributing to the darkness. We don’t want to believe we are responsible for where we are so we easily get caught up in seeking blame rather than resolution.
What we need more than anything right now is to stop looking outside of ourselves and instead focus on fixing the darkness brewing inside us. Focus on preparing ourselves for the new world we are moving into and equip ourselves to live in it; not destroy it because we are angry and feeling like victims. We are in very delicate times where depending on the actions we take, the choices we make, we can completely change the world we live in. And we must think long and hard about the world we want to create rather than the world we want to destroy.
In times like these we have to be very careful with who we listen to. Be mindful of how their words make us feel from a deeper place. Be willing to accept that because of choices we made, we find ourselves in the position we are in. And if we want change we must change our energy so we can start attracting what we want rather than what we don’t want. We are entering a time of mindfulness. A time of change. A time of reflection and introspection. And as such, we have to be careful that we don’t wander too far into the darkness so much so that we can no longer feel or find the light. Remembering always we are what we believe.
We become what we think about the most. We are products of our imaginations more so than we are of our environments. So who do we want to be must be our mantra. Not who we do not. What sort of world do we want to live in must be our vision. Not  what we do not want.
Remembering always, we are responsible for our thoughts and our lives. No one else but us. So when we are vulnerable as we are now, we must be very careful about who we listen to and who we attract into our lives. Careful about the energy we project and the power we give away. 

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