Monday 19 May 2014

Message from the fiery red morning sky

This morning I opened the window to see the angriest red sky I have seen in a while. It caught my attention because it was a surprise. I was not expecting to see the sky as fiery because while I was in bed I could hear my red bird singing at the top of his lungs, drowning out the sound of the sparrows, kiskadees and doves. I was expecting the same clear beautiful sky I had seen for the last several mornings.
And as I looked at the fire in the sky, a chill ran through me about the change in weather this ominous sky was warning me about. But there was also a feeling of beauty and mystery about the sky. Something that highlighted the vividness of the red through the clouds that softened its fire. Complemented it making it seem a bit feminine. A lot less threatening and a lot more inviting.
I announced to my husband that the weather was about to change because the sky was telling me so. And then I sat down to meditate and write my blog . A blog that had been in my mind since yesterday only to discover our Intrrnet was still down from last night.
At first I was angry which quickly turned to disappointment then despair. How in the world can it be that my Internet goes down so much in this day and age. 
And as I was going through my myriad of emotions, the redness of the sky turned from red to pink as the greyness of the clouds became more prominent. Shifting my thought process from that of despair to opportunity. To accept that just as those fiery red clouds gave way to pink and changed the whole look of the sky so could I with the situation I found myself in.
So I compromised and pulled out my IPhone. Feeling really grateful to have one and turned off my wifi connection so I could roam in the Cloud to connect to YouTube and meditate. Grateful for  the clouds outside reminding me of how genius was the person who tapped into the power of the Cloud. Grateful for my little phone that can do so much.
Interestingly enough the meditation that popped up just for me was called Hearts of Fire making me smile. I knew it was sent just for me.
To remind me that even in the face of adversity our hearts hold the fire to find a solution to anything when we allow it. When we trust it. When we let go and let be.
After I came out of my meditation, I knew instantly that the red sky was not only to forwarn me of the changing weather but also to forwarn me to be ready to color outside the lines. To find the opportunity in everything and if I do, I will find the peace within the fire that will protect me from being burnt or put out of sorts.
I let go of the blog I had in my head that I thought I was supposed to write and instead wrote the one I was meant to write  - the one I am writing right now. 
Teaching me when we let go and give up the fight and do as we are meant to do rather than what we think we ought to do, we find ourselves in the flow . And we see the beauty in all things even when they frighten us at first as did the ominous red sky this morning. Frightening but beautiful and liberating at the same time sending me down a different path to the one  I woke thinking I  was going to take and leading me down the one I was meant to take.
And just as I am coming to the end of writing my blog, my majestic red bird started to sing again at the top of his lungs. Letting me know there is fire in my day today because red has been more prominent than anything else this morning. 
Here 's to compromise and going  with the flow from the gift of the red sky and my cardinal singing to me while my Internet failed to load.
Happy Monday, an interesting start to a work week begun by forcing me to color outside the lines. Look out world here I come with my heart on fire and my soul ready for any challenge. What a wonderful way to begin the week. So grateful. Namaste.

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