Wednesday 7 May 2014

Breathe. Just breathe

Breathe, Breathe, sometimes we forget to breathe. Forget to give our bodies the air it needs by inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Sometimes we think we can continue on without taking the time to breathe.
Breath is very important because it allows us to pause, to reflect , to not rush into the next thing without thinking. Breath allows us to calm our thoughts. To just be. But sometimes we think we are superhuman and breathing is taken for granted.
But when the going gets tough, taking the time to breathe is what separates those who continue from those who stagnant. Breathing is such a critical part of our lives but yet we take it for granted. Breathing in and out gives us the ability to live. Because without breath, without breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide we are dead.
So how is that something as fundamental as taking a breath is so underrated. How is that we do not appreciate every breath we take as the gift of life it really is.
Breathe. When the going gets tough, breathe. When we feel we have lost our way, breathe. When we feel overwhelmed, breathe. Then once we have breathed, give thanks for that breath because it is that breath that is focusing us and keeping us alive. Fueling the circle and cycle of life.
Breathe, the next time we are surrounded by nature and remember that breathe when we go into the battlefield because it is the vision of the flowers, the birds and the bees that will bring us through the battlefield. Breathe. Breath is the essence of life. It is essential to our well being and should not be taken for granted.
Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. Breathe. Close our eyes and feel the breath flowing through us as we inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Feel the breath moving through our body giving us the sustenance to exist. The breath of life. Not to be taken for granted because without breath, we could not be here.
Breathe. Just breathe with gratitude and grace. Breathe.  Namaste

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