Tuesday 27 May 2014

The gift of time from a magical day

Yesterday was one of those days when the conditions were so perfect that it felt like I was living in a dream. Truly made me feel like I live in paradise. The temperature was perfect. The sky was clear. The air was fresh. And everyone, everywhere was happy to be where they were. The atmosphere exuded peace, love and celebration.
It is days like yesterday that make possibility seem within reach for all of us. When we forget about our troubles and worries and just embrace life for what it is and can be if we put our minds to it. Because it seemed like a day of magic to me. An unreal day. During the afternoon it felt like there were so many hours to the day. Like time was moving along at a snail’s pace. Giving me the opportunity to do so much, be in so many different places and still have time to do more. Like I was in a time warp in a place where the mad hatter would appear at any moment and disappear down into the rabbit hole. Taking me with him to another place and time. 
And then just like that, as the evening drew near, the hours slipped away quickly. Too quickly it seemed. Reminding me that’s what life is all about. Gives us time to do what we need but then when we procrastinate and not do what we are meant to do in the time it has been allotted to us to do, time hastens, it seems to us. But it does not really at all. It’s just that time keeps moving even when we stagnate until we snap out of the stagnation to see that time keeps going even when we do not.
Time shows us all that time that it is up to us to embrace it and use it wisely and in whatever way suits us. Not the other way around. Time will not stop for us. As I watched the light of the day give way to the dusk sky last night, I, at first, was disappointed that I had not done what I had set out to do. But realized I did what I was meant to do. Relaxed with friends and chatted about everything and nothing at the same time. That I was meant to have a lazy and indulgent day.
Time is time. It neither hastens nor does it slow down. It is what it is. It is only us that hastens or slows down. So it is up to us to be what we want to be in the time that we have and to do what we need to do in the time we have because time is what it is. And it was the magical, beautiful and indulgent day yesterday on Bermuda Day that gave me the gift of time to be in so many places, to do so many things and to see and be with so many different people all day long. Celebrating the diversity of Bermuda in a day full of wonder. So maybe I did follow the mad hatter down the rabbit hole and didn't realize it until now. 

Time and life can be so magical, so mystical and so wonderful when we allow ourselves the time to be still and know and appreciate who we are, where we are and what we are here to do and be. Here’s to the gift of time. And here's to making the best and most of it with gratitude and grace… Namaste

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