Friday 30 May 2014

We are sensual beings

The other morning someone shared a beautiful video put out by the South African Tourism Department. A brilliant video enticing us to come to South Africa. And what is so brilliant about it is that it touched something deep within me. Something that is within us all. That something that tells us experience is much greater than what we can see. Much greater than what meets the eye. It is what we feel. What titillates our entire being and makes us want to know more. Awakens every sense within us as we are sensual beings.
This video allowed me to understand that experience is so many things that we take for granted because we expect the world to be colored by what we see. And sometimes the world is colored more by what we feel. The man featured in the South African video is blind but leads us on a visual journey through a blind man’s eyes. But yet we believed we were seeing what he saw through his eyes. Until the very end when we discover that we were not seeing the man’s journey through his eyes because he could not see. We were seeing his journey through feelings. Deep, primal  feelings that appeal to us all.  A sense. A deeper journey than what meets the eye. Showing us that even a blind man can see.  And can see on a much deeper level than those of us who have the gift of sight.
What this video illustrated to me is our journey is sometimes overlooked because we are so busy trying to see what comes next rather than experiencing where we are with every sense we have highly alert and stimulated. And when we do, we lose out on filling our whole beings with the new.
This video illustrated that often we see, feel and hear more when our eyes are wide shut. When we focus on where we are. When we block out the distractions that make us miss out on the beauty right in front of us. Instead asking us to take in all that is available for us where we are. And when we do, our experience is that much greater. That much more rewarding because we really appreciate it from our core.
What the South African Tourism department has done is not just capture the sights and the sounds of South Africa, they have brilliantly captured the feel, the sensation of experience. The escape we are all looking for. The romance we are all looking for. The unexpected that is right there in front of us but we fail to see because we believe the world is meant to be as we expect it to be when  it is as it is. A wonder in itself. They have appealed to our sensual being shocking us to see that experience is more than what meets the eye.
Experience. True experience is letting go and allowing ourselves to become fully immersed in the feelings we get wherever we are. When we feel, see, hear, smell, taste and touch life with all senses without judgment or expectation. When we allow ourselves to float in the stream of life and let it carry us on a sensual experience indescribable but touching nonetheless.
Brilliant, South Africa for awakening me to the fact that life is all about the flow.  Experiences that touch our soul and liberate our spirit so we believe we can fly. So we believe we can be anything. So we can know for the first time, the only limitation to our experience is us.
For we are sensual beings titillated by what appeals to us on a much deeper level. A level that takes us back to Spirit. Back to where we came from and where we will return. Beautiful. 

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