Saturday 10 May 2014

Community service is so important

Community service is so important. Even more so when we think we are too busy to get involved because more than anything in order to receive we have to give back. Give back to those who need us the most. Charities are there to raise awareness of those who have less or need help in setting up services that will benefit the whole community - at least that is the role of good charities.
We always think we are too busy but sometimes stepping out of our everyday environments and getting involved in the community allows us to break from our norm and open ourselves to something new. Something outside of our every day existence where we can’t see the end in view. But doing something that inspires us by providing service,  I think in the long run helps us to change our mindset because it broadens our horizons. Give us a fresh perspective on what is truly going on in our community and the tools needed to keep our communities going.
Getting our hands dirty when we don’t normally get our hands dirty makes us appreciate those who do it all day long. Being out in the raging sun makes us appreciate those who have to do it all day long. Spending time with children less fortunate than us makes us realize just how fortunate we are and the work that is being done every day by teachers and helpers to help our children to flourish. Because all children in our community are our children because they are our future.
Community service put us in contact with people we would not normally come into contact with us. Giving us all better perspective on each other’s lives. Bridging gaps that would not normally be bridged.  Making room for stereotypes to be broken down and a sense of togetherness to flourish. Making us see all we all want is to be heard, seen and understood.
It is so important for us to get out into our communities. Move away from  our daily routines, our safe havens so we can become more inclusive of each other in physical way. And when we do, we see how nonsensical it is for us to stay in our corners throwing stones at each other because we don’t understand our different perspectives.  We also learn just how much work goes into charities and community work.
Yesterday my company took part in a global day of giving where we all step away from our norm and go out into the community and give back to those who need services.  Every single time I take part in this day, I appreciate so much about what goes on behind the scenes for organizations. I gain an appreciation for the work people do to help to make our world a better place.
Community service is more important than ever now because we need to support each other more as our world goes through transition. We need to make space for each other and try to understand that everyone has a role to play in helping our world to continue to flourish. And it includes those organizations and people who are not just about making a profit. It includes those who are providing essential services at a sacrifice. More than anything, community service fills us with hope and faith and love about our society because service comes from the heart and soul.
As Maya Angelou so eloquently says, “ I have found that among its other benefits giving liberates the soul of the giver.”  Community service liberate our souls and broadens our minds to the benefits of giving back to our community. Allowing us to become more compassionate and empathetic people.

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