Friday 31 May 2013

Misty brings a powerful sound of silence into our lives

Yesterday morning we were in such a rush because we were a little late leaving the house. We have a new addition to our family, Misty, our beautiful baby girl grey rabbit. We adopted her from the SPCA as a birthday gift for our baby girl’s 10th birthday.
I have to admit being very skeptical about bringing a rabbit home because I knew nothing about rabbits except what I read about in the Peter Rabbit books.  But when I went to the SPCA to see what this rabbit was all about that our daughter kept going on about, I was immediately taken in by this little rabbit’s presence. There was something about her I cannot articulate that drew me to her instantly. I sat down and held her in my arms. A connection I cannot explain being reconnected.
I adopted her on the spot but had to wait until the Saturday before allowing my daughter to meet her. Misty was a surprise to her so when we walked into the SPCA on the Saturday, she was devastated to see Misty had been adopted. Not realizing she had been adopted by us for her. So when we asked her if she wanted to hold the rabbit, she said, “But she has already been adopted.” With much pathos I must add.
But we encouraged her to hold Misty and she did. Misty again snuggled in her arms and I could tell my daughter was in love. When I told her Misty was all hers, the expression on her face was priceless. Her eyes welled up and she held Misty that much tighter and kept saying thank you mommy over and over again. The love and appreciation in that animal shelter was so present that I felt like I could touch it.
We brought Misty home where my son and husband were waiting to meet her with the same amount of skepticism I had when I first thought of getting her.  But once they met her, they too were captivated by this gently silent but very expressive little rabbit. And she seemed to take to her new home as if she had been with us all the time. There was no turning back, Misty had captured hearts.
Now before leaving the house in the mornings, we clean out her hutch and make sure she has a run round the porch before she is left on her own. Quality time with Misty is so rewarding because though she speaks no words, I can feel her appreciation coming out of her whole being when we take her into our arms. When we stroke her cheek, she closes her eyes and I swear she purrs like a cat. She is a very affectionate little rabbit and loves to be loved.
Reminding me that even in the rush of life if we could just stop and appreciate the wonders of nature, we would lose all feelings of dread and fear. Instead we would see that everything and everyone has a role to play in this world we live in. When I take Misty out of her cage in the morning, she looks at me like I am the best thing ever. Her little nose twitches. And she gently waits to be touched and patted and stroked. My tension eases out with each stroke I make on her soft, soft fur.
And then I sit with my daughter and watch her hop round the porch. Eating the flowers that fall from the hanging basket. Exploring every facet of the porch and again it is then that I understand the wonders of life. That sometimes we just have to take the time to stop and watch life. Stop and stand to the side so we can see what is right there in front of us.
And that’s what little Misty has done for me. For us. We rush home to make sure she gets her time out of the cage. The neighborhood children come rushing over to see her as well. She is like this little magnet that is drawing people to her. And she doesn't even speak. But yet we all feel she is communicating and connecting with us. Like she is speaking directly to us.  Our little bundle of joy helping us to slow down, stop and enjoy loving her. And in doing so we soothe our own souls.
Allowing met to understand that in silence comes life’s meaning because when we take the time to stop and be fully present in our stillness, we hear the sound of silence. The sound of love. The sound of  life. The sound of  gratitude. Loud and clear. The powerful sound of silence.

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