Friday 3 May 2013

May peace be with us all

Peace be with you. May peace be with us all.
This was the thought that came into my mind this morning during my meditation and as I have said before I am led to explore these thoughts to see where they take me. There is a lot of conflict and strife in our world and in our immediate communities because the scarcity mentality is so prevalent that it is driving our society to take as much as it can from each other.
We are all so nervous about where we are heading with banks collapsing. Economies collapsing. People out of work and seemingly no chance of finding work. Hopes are dashed and people are resorting to taking from those who they feel have excess because they are so desperate.
I was told there have been break ins in my little Island home where the thieves are not taking electronics. They are taking bare necessities, food for their families, clothing for their children. When I hear these stories a sadness runs through me because there is enough abundance in our world. It’s just that we have forgotten how to ask for it. Forgotten how to ask for help because ego has become greater than our needs. And more importantly we have forgotten how to share the abundance because we want to keep everything for ourselves.
So rather than asking for help, we pretend we have enough until there is nothing left and we resort to taking from each other. All of us need to start looking out for each other. Sharing with each other. Seeing those in need who may have too much pride to ask for help and spreading our abundance to them. As I have said so many times before there is enough in this world for everyone. We have just forgotten how to share it. Forgotten that we don’t need to hoard while others starve or go without.
We need to spread peace in our world again so that people can have hope and faith and love in their hearts again. And once they do, they will be able to contribute to society rather than take from society because they will feel a part of society rather than outcasts of society.
Our world, our communities and we are in need of peace. In need of love. In need of connectedness. In need of sharing.  And it begins with small gestures. A smile here and there. Looking in the eyes of those in need and validating they are just as important as those without. Kindness and community need to be at the top of our lists so that we can spread peace. Share joy and abundance.
 So today let’s all see those in need and help them in whatever way we can by acknowledging them, giving them something they need or simply by being there. And then I saw this quote today and knew I had to share it here, “Share what you have whenever you can. It makes a difference ... not only to others, but it adds lightness and joy to your life, too.
By sharing we lighten our loads allowing us to radiate out more love and light which ultimately leads to peace.  Sharing really does make a difference.
May peace be with you. May peace be with us all.

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