Tuesday 21 May 2013

Light seekers can only remain in the dark for so long

Sometimes people push too far. Demand too much. And then they wonder why others let them go. They wonder why the door has been closed. They push too far until others decide enough is enough and they walk away. Without shame. Without doubt.
And then when they realize they have gone too far, they still don’t stop. They can’t stop because they are so addicted to the very thing they thought they hated. So they sneak and pry and try to still remain in the fringes of other’s lives. Not for the good of those they have pushed too far but because they are so afraid they are missing something. So afraid that the other may have something they don’t. So afraid that life has turned the tables on them that they don’t know what else to do but lurk in the shadows of the lives of others.
There are some that are so negative that they thrive on drama and the lives of others because they can’t stand to look at their own lives and their own faces in the mirror. Instead it is always someone else’s fault. Never their own. So they believe. Until there is no one left to blame. Until all doors have been shut in their faces. Until there is no one left who will listen to their negativity. Until there is no one left willing to have all of their light drained. Until there is no one left except themselves. Until they have to really take stock of who they are and who they aren't. Because there is no one left for them to blame.
There are some people who try to live the lives of others. Who need others to know who they are. Who need others to measure themselves against. Rather than being who they are. They find others and attach themselves to try to define who they are. Measure against.  Compare themselves with. Compete with. Until there is no one left for them to compete with. Compare themselves against. Negate. Until there is no one left but themselves to deal with. Until there is no one left but themselves.
And then what do they do? Who do they become? What have they always been? The answer is up to them to realize that life is not all about them. Life is about truth seeking. Not mudslinging. Life is about abundance and sharing. Not scarcity and hoarding. Life is about finding our individual paths and then branching out to make room for others to join in. It is not about cutting off the path so that others may not flourish.
Life is about the energy we put out there always.  The energy that resonates from deep within our beings. The energy that is our essence selves. Not the fake energy we put out for the world to see. But the energy that is truly coming from our inner most selves. Our core. And it attracts like energy. Darkness or light. And when the darkness tries to overpower the light, the light seekers move away and go to where there is more light. To where their light can shine. Not where it is constantly dimmed. Not where the dark is constantly trying to steal its light.
So in order to attract the light we need, we have to be the light we want to be. Darkness begets darkness. Not light. Darkness drains energy. Not gives it. Darkness seeks negativity. Not positivity. Not the light. Light seekers can only remain in the dark for so long. But once they see and feel the light, it is very difficult for them to go back into the darkness. So it is up to the dark to find the light and be in it. Not the other way round. Never the other way round. 

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