Thursday 23 May 2013

Slow down and listen to the Voice of the All Knowing.

Today I am asking myself to just breathe. To inhale and exhale as much as I can. To steady my breath through the many different directions I find myself pulled in. To slow my brain down so I can hear the thoughts rushing through it. So I can filter what I need and what I don’t rather than trying to process the barrage of thoughts bombarding through my mind.
And so this morning I sat for a while and stared out the window. Allowing my breathing to ease. My thoughts to slow down. My pressure to noramlise. Until I felt a peace flow through me as the Universe and every atom and cell in my body told me I can only do what I can. I can only be who I am. I can only give what I am capable of giving. And then I continued to sit for a while. In silence. Allowing the wisdom of the All Knowing to wash over me. Through me. Centering me. Focusing me. Once again. Reconnecting me back to the Source.
And then I exhaled. A long and reflecting exhale because I understood and felt  the abundance and fortune in my life. All the doors that have opened , are opening and will continue to open for me when I practice gratitude for all that I am. Was and ever will be. For stopping and reflecting on the beautiful place I live in. The glorious weather my home has been experiencing over the last few days. The peace and serenity of nature for us at the moment.
Forcing me to question what in the world is it that I have to be ungrateful for or stressed about when  the people in Oklahoma have been grieving the loss of their sense of security from the massive tornado that ripped through one of their cities. Destroying people’s livelihoods, families and sense of belonging.
Forcing me to question further what in the world do I have to worry about when I have brothers and sisters in Oklahoma who have nothing now. Whose very sense of being has been shaken to the core by the wrath of Mother Nature. All while I have been basking in the glory of Mother Nature. Making me realize just how fortunate we are here in Bermuda. Just how fortunate I am to be here.
So to feel like the world is on top of me because of choices I have made when there are so many people suffering around the world. So many people whose lives have been changed forever. I felt guilty for my feelings of lack.
So  I stared out the window some more. At the start of another glorious day. At the opportunity for me to go out into the world with a sense of purpose and gratitude.  With my mind, heart, body and soul full. Knowing even in the midst of stress and worry, if I remember all that I have to be grateful for, if I remember to inhale deeply and exhale slowly, if I remember to look outside at the beauty of where I am, I will know I can deal with anything because I am a reflection of the environment I am in. I am a co-creator of my experience and it is up to me to deal with where I find myself from the deepest place of gratitude.
And so I am. And so I will. I am going out today from a place of gratitude rather than attitude. And I am also sending love and light out to all my brothers and sisters, no matter where they may be, who are experiencing hardship, strife and destruction. Hoping they will once again find their place of gratitude too.  
Remembering always to stop in the midst of turmoil and to look around me, to inhale and exhale so I can find that place of gratitude always present and waiting for me to return. Centering me. Focusing me on the now. The present moment. Remembering everything is relative to our individual experiences in life when we slow down and listen. Listen to the voice and wisdom of the All Knowing.

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