Thursday 9 May 2013

The game of shifting my intentions

Lately I have been playing a game with myself. When I wake up in the morning and feel heavy and tired and frustrated, I tell myself to be grateful I woke up. To be happy to see another day. To be cheerful about all I have and had and am about to experience. To smile instead of frowning. And to my surprise it works like a charm every single time. Proving to me the power of intention. The power we have to shift the way we respond to our circumstances.
Discovering this gift has freed me from unnecessary turmoil and pain. From unnecessary darkness and given me the ability to tap into the light whenever I remember the power of intention.  So I am carrying this gift with me daily now and using it to the extent I am capable of. Recognising that some days I will be more in tuned than others based on where I am. Not beating myself up when I am overwhelmed. Instead thanking the Universe for the depth and breadth of my emotions.
 And because I have been so conscious of my thought process, of defining the way I will be for the day, I have noticed that most people like to feel downtrodden, overwhelmed and frustrated. Some people like to moan about where they are in life. Some people are looking at the glass as half empty rather than a half full. And one by one as I encounter people who are doing this, I ask them what if you did not have a job. Think about the people who don’t.
What if you did not wake up this morning? Think about the people that didn't  Think about their families and how they are feeling.
What if you did not have any food to eat? Think about the people that don’t.
What if you had no place to call home? Think about the people that don’t.
There is so much to be grateful for in our lives and it starts with the little things. Opening our hearts to the vastness of the more that surrounds us every day. Gratitude grounds us to the reality of how magical it is that we can go to bed at night and sleep for 5 – 10 hours or whatever amounts of time we can sleep for then wake up the next morning. Allowing us to see that sleeping and waking up in the morning are miracles within themselves and we do it every single night and day - until we don’t.
The power of defining who we are by using the simple words I am is amazing. This morning I was really tired because I have been going nonstop and all I wanted to do was to stay in bed and sleep the day away. But I knew I could not and I was about to allow the darkness to creep in. About to feel sorry for myself when I decided instead to play my game with myself. Telling myself I am grateful for waking up this morning. I am grateful for another day to live my life. To fulfill my dreams. To see my children and husband for another day. I am grateful for being me. And then I closed my eyes and allowed the feeling of satisfaction to spread through me. Joy spreading through my whole being. Gratitude from head to toe and back again.
A smile crept across my face as my mind, body and spirit connected. Shifting  my  mindset. Taking in the full power of owning who I am and being grateful for it as well.
Try it today when all feels dark. Trying shifting your consciousness to the power of intention. Of embracing I am wonderful. I am grateful. I am all that I am because I am he is she is it is all. Namaste.

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