Wednesday 8 May 2013

The natural order of our lives

Are we fighting against the inevitable? Are we trying to prolong people, places and things that in the natural order of things are meant to be over? Are we fighting against the wind instead of allowing the wind to lift our sails and carry us through?
There is a natural order to the lives we live. We come into these physical beings for a finite period. To learn lessons. To teach and to grow. We come into this physical space for a finite period to learn how to share and to give and take. We come into this physical realm to learn that though we are eternal beings, we come as humans to learn more about life. For a finite period of time in our physical cloak.
There are so many people right now that are struggling. Struggling to be something or someone they were never meant to be. We end up in situations we never dreamed possible and we become frustrated. There are so many organizations that are struggling. Struggling to innovate. To reinvent themselves to keep up with the times. There are so many things we are trying to prolong and keep in existence when their time has come to go. And when we do, we struggle and fumble. Losing the spark and joy if life because we are clinging to something or someone that no longer serves us.
We always know when something is right and when something is not. Deep down inside we know there is a natural order to life. To our existence. Subconsciously we know we have been sent here for a finite time to contribute in the best way we can to expanding the consciousness of mankind. To expand the consciousness of each other. To grow spiritually while in a finite physical body. And the reason this happens is because we are meant to understand the importance of beginnings and en dings. Peaks and valleys.
What we learn most of all is that there is a beginning and ending to everything physical. Nothing is meant to last forever in this physical plane and the reason it is not is because everyone of us is meant to experience being the leader then the follower. Being the top dog then the underdog. Being the flavor of the month and then not. And the reason we are meant to experience these opposite emotions and places is so we can learn compassion, empathy and faith. So that we can see the story from the other person’s eyes.
When the time is right, opportunity always presents itself. When the time is not, doors shut and we stop. When we learn what we are meant to learn, we change and move onto the next phase of our lives. There is a natural order to our lives. One of endings and beginnings. Beginnings and endings all the time. And when we learn to stand with our backs to the wind trusting it to lift our sails and carry us through rather than facing it and trying to resist the inevitable, we see and understand the natural order of our lives.

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