Saturday 2 March 2013

The world wide web connecting us

There are a lot of light workers emerging. Globally. People from all walks of life unifying across the globe through  spirit. Energy. Connecting in ways we believed impossible before. Although we have always been inherently and inextricably linked, it is through the world wide web, we are truly witnessing and seeing that we are.
Receiving validation and connection almost instantaneously through the Power of the worldwide web. The web that is weaving us back together. Showing us how alike we really are regardless of where we come from. Regardless of our social standing. Regardless of our race, creed or religious beliefs. At the base of all of us is the need to love and to be loved.
There is a groundswell of people emerging opening dialogue for people that would never have been opened before. Challenging us to think with our hearts rather than their heads. Enabling wonder, love and joy to spread throughout our globe. From one continent to the next. One from Island to the next. People of like mind and similar energies are connecting like never before. Finding each other. Stumbling upon each other.  Being brought together to help with our shift in consciousness. The web is showing us there is a web beyond the web formed way before the human web was designed. And that’s why we yearn for it. Spend hours on it because we are yearning for love, for validation, for connection.
The world wide web created by humans and the world wide web that was there before humans invented it are joining forces to opening the door to the more. To the shift necessary to move us forward to spread love, peace, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, surrender, and validation. Connecting people of all walks of life, globally every single second, minute, hour of every day. 
And because of this growing positive and light energy, there is an equal and opposite swell of negative and dark energy. Contrasting against the light. Dueling with it. With us to see who we are and who we are not. Causing us to question whether we are doing what we are meant to be doing. Causing us to listen to our heads rather than our hearts. Opposing all the light that is swirling round us. Stabbing at it. Jabbing at us. Asking us to leave the light and embrace the dark.
Illustrating for us in ways incomprehensible before about the dichotomy of life, the duality of our existence, the closer we get to the prize. By showing us how much further away from the prize we become when we are too focused on the prize rather than on the journey, we lose out on the gifts, treasures and abundance of the Universe. Because we end up compromising who and what we are. We end up looking so blindly ahead that we don’t give ourselves the time to enjoy what is right in front of us. Waiting for us.
We become selfish. Embracing the scarcity mentality. Hoarding for ourselves rather than sharing the love and talents we have with everyone so they in turn can grow with us rather than against us.
And that's why there are a lot of light workers emerging in our world. Connecting us in ways we did not understand until the emergence of the world wide human web mirroring the universal web that existed way before the one we have today.  Pulling us. Willing us. Asking us to go within. To see that we are truly and honestly beautiful just the way we are when we accept who we are rather than being something we are not and can never be.
Showing us we are inextricably woven and connected no matter where we come from, no matter what we believe. No matter our standing in life. We are of the energy that created our world. Each tiny atom reacting to the energy we put into it. And that’s why I embrace and love the light workers, including myself, who are coming forward raising our awareness to the field of possibility that exists within us all when we believe. When we share. When we love. When we have faith, trust and believe. Namaste

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