Saturday 23 March 2013

The dance of the light

This morning I was treated
To the magic of the light
To the sun dancing
Through my windows
Almost like a glittering diamond
As it danced
And played through the leaves
Of the trees
Putting a smile on my face
Even in my deepest meditation
I could feel the sun
See it through my closed eyes
Playing with me
Bringing me unexpected joy
Lifting my spirit
Lightening my load
Making me feel warm
And necessary on the inside
Spreading rapidly to how I feel on the outside
Filling me
With the music of the Universe
The music that is present
All the time
In the background
The music that soothes our souls
When we are least aware
I could feel the rhythm of life
The pulse of the universe
Inviting me to join
In the dance of life
Asking me to let go
Be free
So I could surrender
To the sound of the universe
The heart beat that fuels us all
I could feel excitement
Rising in my veins
Pulsing throughout my body
And then just like that
The clouds came
And took away the sun
Took away the dance
The magic
Stole it from my physical awareness
Challenging me to believe
The magic
The light
The sun
The music of the universe
Were still there
Even though I could not feel them
Even though I felt rejected
Because they decided to leave
When I was enjoying them
The most
Becoming at one with them
Overanalyzing why they left me
Allowing the darkness
Doubt and fear
To snatch away my joy
And I thought
Did I over think my joy
Did I cause it to go away
Was I too focused on it
Rather than enjoying it for what it was
Did my expectations become too great
For the moment
The sun
The light
The universe
Were trying to show me
And then as if answering my prayer
The clouds passed
And the light show began again
Dazzling me
Helping me
Willing me
To accept
The magic of the Universe
The music of the Universe
The dance of the Universe
Is always present
When we
Listen and feel
And appreciate
The beat of our heart
The pulse of our blood
Rushing through our veins
When we hear the voice
Of who we are
We understand
We are the rhythm of the Universe
The beat of the heart
As necessary and needed
As everything and everyone
In our Universe
And we smile
And laugh
 And dance
To its beat
Our beat
Our individual consciousness
With the Universal consciousness
Allowing us
To embrace the mystery
That is us
The beauty that is us
The dance that is us
The joy that is us
With gratitude
And abundance

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