Tuesday 5 March 2013

Even on our most turbulent days, there is always a blue sky

On Sunday morning I took off from Bermuda. Flying directly into torrential rain. Obscuring the window with what looked like a river as we sliced through the downpour. Just like that what was right in front of me was no longer available for me to see. Hidden in plain sight.
We rose into the clouds taking even more light out of the already darkened day. And then we were engulfed in clouds - heavy dark clouds. Shrouding us in the heaviness of their clutch. Pushing and tossing the airplane  as if the airplane was a tinker toy. Showing us the might of nature against the inventions of men. Of all that is there and was there before us and will be there long after we are gone.
At first I was afraid. Nervous because of the turbulence and the heavy clouds. I am always nervous when I fly without my family. But then I said a silent prayer to the Universe to allow me to accept what is and to let go of what I can not control. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Allowing myself to drift into the nothingness that is all. And when I woke up, we were flying high about the clouds - in the beauty and vastness that exists high above us at all times. The sky blue and endless and I felt a tremendous sense of peace wash over me.
I whispered a silent thanks to the Universe for answering my prayers. Thanking it for allowing me to see first hand even on those days when we can't see far ahead. When all around us is turbulent and dark. When the rain is obscuring our vision. When our plans become dishevelled, if we are patient enough and have faith and trust,  the pathway will clear. The clouds will dissipate. The rain will stop and we will see the beauty of what always exists. What is always there even when we can't see it. Allowing us to understand why we had to experience the pain, the upset, the hurt, the turbulence and the unknowingness.
Life takes us on journeys far away from what we are comfortable with in order for us to grow. Takes us through the turbulence and the rain so we can appreciate the calm and the sun. So we can appreciate that leaving people, place and things is just what we need in order to make way for the more that is available to us all. That sometimes we grow in different directions.
And once I got this and looked out the window, the clouds below us had changed from gray to white - patchy not heavy, allowing me to see the ocean below. Letting me know I am on  a journey, an ever changing one, constantly evolving so I can embrace the magnificence that I am and was sent here to be. And to know even on my most turbulent days, there is always a blue sky ready to return when the time is right. Namaste.

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