Tuesday 26 March 2013

Everything I need is within me

“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Martin Luther King Jr.
These two quotes resonated so much with me today that they were all I was going to put in my blog because I wanted them to stand alone. To have the impact on you as they did with me.  But then I remembered we are at all different stages in our journey and what matters to me may not matter to anyone else. That life brings us exactly what we need based on where we are. Hence these quotes were sent to me to help me to have faith I am on the right track. That I am within sight of the mountaintop.
To remember if we are in a growth stage we feel like we are climbing mountain after mountain. With each one seemingly getting steeper than the last. Despairing that the world is against us. Asking when we will ever get a break.  
But if we have faith the mountain is where we are meant to be in our journey. All we need do is to keep climbing despite how futile it may seem. And eventually we will reach the mountaintop. Enabling us to look down and up and see the benefits of all the changes, challenges, and heartaches we have been through. We will understand that life brings us exactly what we need to be the best we can be.
And what I am learning is in order to be at peace with myself. In order to live a healthy and purposeful life, I have to think carefully about what I bring into my life. And when I do, I must ask does this thing serve me well? I have to think carefully about who I bring into my life. Asking myself does this person serve me well? And I also have to think carefully about what I put into my mouth. Asking myself does this food or drink serve me well?
If the answer to any of these questions is no then I know it is time to make changes. To eliminate all the things that no longer resonate with me. Do not serve me well. Do not help me to grow. Do not help to nourish my body. Life is really very simple. It is the choices we make that complicate our lives. The decisions we do not make that complicate our lives.
So my mantra for today, thanks to Deepak Chopra, is, “My little changes amount to big benefits.” My steps toward inner peace, inner harmony and inner light are all steps in faith, intuition and trust that the Universe is always guiding me, testing me, teaching me, showing me the way. All I have to do is have faith in me and the power greater than me that is within me that I am love. I am light. Remembering always everything I need is within me. Not without me. Namaste.

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