Monday 10 December 2012

We are reflective of the company we keep.

Through our environments we tend to inherit the beliefs of those we are with. We are reflective of the company we keep. Those environments help to define who we are and what we believe.
It is up to us to find those who share the same beliefs as us. It is also up to us to shed those whose beliefs differ dramatically from us no matter how difficult it may be to do so. We are the charterers of our course in life. And if there is excess baggage then we must have the nerve to let it go to save ourselves.
Remembering always when we let the baggage go, we let it go with dignity, compassion and grace. We do so with the mindset that people change and have the right to change - as do we. We let them go with forgiveness as well. Forgiving them for any wrong they may have caused in our lives because we recognize the wrong they did helped us to realize who we are not and what we can’t carry anymore. We forgive ourselves for thinking horrible thoughts about that person or people.
And then once we have made our decision, we surrender it to the Universe. Asking the Universe to heal our pain and help us to move on to the next stage of our lives. Sending gratitude to the severed ties. Not malice. Because there could come a time again in life when those ties will once again connect. Will once again be necessary for us to move on to another stage.
Goodbyes don’t have to be forever. Friendships and relationships have a time and season. And sometimes those seasons have to end in order for us to grow even further. But that does not mean we are saying goodbye forever. And that is why when we say good bye we do it with as much compassion, forgiveness, love and grace as we can. For only then will we know we are doing it for the betterment of ourselves and those we are letting go. Only then will we understand, we are not doing it from a place of ego or hate but from a place of surrender and love.
Life can sometimes take us on paths unexpected. Leaving us feeling pretty raw and full of pain. But if we did not experience these emotions, how would will we ever know when it’s time to let go. How will we ever know who we are and who we are not? How will we know what baggage we can handle versus baggage we cannot? How will we ever know what we believe and what we do not?
Remembering always we are reflective of the company we keep, the environments we are in. Look around you today and decide if this is truly who you are. And if it is not, it is time to change whatever or whomever does not feel right.

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