Wednesday 12 December 2012


12.12.12. The last time we will experience triple digit dates in our lifetime. A day filled with much anticipation. A day where the portal is said to open for a new way of thinking. World meditation day when we are meant to open our hearts to love. To share . To help bring about the shift in human consciousness.
I woke up this morning with this date twirling and swirling through my mind. Thinking I would come to my computer and craft a profound blog about this date. Something that would delve in to the ascension that is meant to come from this date. Instead I sat and stared at the screen. Then started reading emails and taking care of my everyday living expenses, reading Facebook.  Doing everything but writing.
Searching for some inspiration . Something that would allow me to write about the profoundness of this date of 12.12.12. And then I did my meditation with @Deepak Chopra and his meditation was about Manifesting dreams. About the fact that we only manifest what comes from within.
Chopra believes luck is the result of awareness and intention. Having dreams spontaneously fulfilled is not luck. Luck is a concept invented and used by those who have not discovered the power of living in alignment with the soul, spirit and source. Once we live in alignment with the source, we enjoy everyday miracles and we never worry about if our dreams will come true. Instead we hold faith and trust that they will come true.
And what I realized was that I was led to Chopra to help me understand that I cannot rely on external comments on what 12.12.12 means. I had to dig deep within myself to feel what the significance of this date means to me, if at all. I thought about the numbers over and over again. And I realized it is a day just like the day before and possibly the day after. It is a day for manifesting my dreams. My intentions. And the significance it holds is up to each of us individually. Allowing for a collective consciousness to forge if our individual consciousness stems from our authentic selves.
In this millennium, we have seen many triple digit dates 01.01.01, 2.2.02, 3.3.03, 4.4.04, 5.5.05, 6.6.06, 7.7.07, 8.8.08, 9.9.09, 10.10.10, 11.11.11, and now finally 12.12.12 because we are children of the new millennia. Those who brought in a new time. And today is another day for us to act from a place of love, peace and prosperity. To recognize that there is enough abundance for us all.
I then meditated with Wayne Dyer’s ‘I Am’ meditation and felt myself becoming lighter and less egotistic. Less expectant of what this day is meant to mean. Making way for me to feel acceptance and receptive of what this day is. I asked the Universe to use me today to help to bring love and light into my heart and to anyone else who wants to receive its blessings and abundance.
I asked to be the love and light we all are capable of being. And then I surrendered all to the Universe. Closing my eyes and feeling the power of love and the abundance of the Universe flowing through my entire being. I felt my consciousness shift to a place of acceptance and understanding. Without expectation, without judgment, with pure intentions of being a bringer and receiver of love and light on this day of ascension and transformation.
May the spirit of the One Source dwell within me and in you today and may we spread peace and prosperity through our consciousness. Enabling those who come into contact with us to feel the possibility that exists for us all.
In the name of the One Source, God, the Higher Power, Yahweh, Jehovah, Mohammed, Buddha, or whatever name that rings true for you today, may we recognize we are all one. One love. One consciousness. One race – the human race sharing this journey called life together. Amen.

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