Tuesday 11 December 2012

Surrendering to the One Source through writing

Every morning I wake up and sit at my computer with an image of a blank sheet of paper up on my screen.  Empty. No words. Willing me to create. Asking me to create. I look at the image of the white sheet of paper and sometimes I am intimidated by it. Not knowing where to begin. Other times I start writing nonstop. My fingers charging across the keyboard.
Those days I know I am in direct concert with the spirit and I am bring moved to write a message for myself as well as for everyone else who reads my blog. I know on those days I am learning a lesson as well as teaching a lesson. I am the student and the teacher. And I glory in those moments.
Then there are days when I struggle to write. Fighting. Resisting each word. Thinking too hard. Trying too hard. The typing is slow. The flow stops and starts. Forcing me to accept there is no flow. And then I get frustrated wondering where the spirit has gone. Wondering why it has abandoned me.
So I sit and contemplate. Sit and contemplate some more. Get up and walk around. Contemplating as I walk. Changing the scenery to see if inspiration hits me. And invariably it does. Somewhere along the way I find the rhythm. The connection to the One Source. I hear the voice of the Divine Force resonating through me. And then I start to write. The writing flows nonstop. It comes from a place deep within. A place of all knowing. A place of abundance. A place of faith. A place of love.
And that is what writing is all about. Like life when I allow ego to stand in the way of what I am writing, I often end up with something that is too stilted. Too forced. And not really me. When I close my eyes and surrender to all that is, my writing takes on a life of its own. It becomes me. It forms all of what is going on inside me. It tells my story. Allowing me to tell my story from a place of authenticity.
Writing has taught me a lot about myself. About life. About people. About spirit. About surrender. About ego. About love. About forgiveness.  Writing has taught me that even on those days when I feel the spirit has abandoned me. When my writing is harder. The spirit has never left me. The Divine Source is always within me. Beside me. Around me. Providing all that I need. All I need do is ask with conviction and with the belief that I am worthy of all that the Universe has to offer. And once I surrender to it, my writing flows. My faith grows. My spirit soars and comingles with all that is, was and ever will be.
Writing is my passion because it opens me up to the more. Opens me up to my authentic self.  Brings me face to face with my authentic self. Mirrors my shadow self to me. Allowing me to see all of me. Allowing me to share me with me and with anyone else who wishes to journey with me through my blog.
And lets me know even on the times when I am feeling rejected, neglected and abandoned, I am still learning a lesson. I am still in direct concert with the spirit. I am still the teacher and the student. The spirit is just asking me to sit and contemplate and reconnect with it. With me. With my passion. To not just expect it. But to accept it. Some days it is tough and will be tough but we are never abandoned. Never alone because we are all connected to the One Source.
When we find our passions and practice them as much as we can, we become more of who we authentically are, every single time we surrender, without question, to our passion.  Some days it will be easy. Other days it will not. But we never give up. Ever. And for this lesson I am truly grateful.
@One Source
@shadow self

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