Friday 7 December 2012

We always get what we give

Lately I have been counseling many people about betrayal, disappointment, and rejection. There seems to be a lot of people who are coming face to face with their shadow selves. And obviously so am I because these people are coming into my life to teach me something about myself as well. By counseling them, I realise, I am actually counseling myself. Helping myself to understand more about my whole being. As much as I am helping them.
I recently had a conversation with a friend who is being challenged at work. She believes colleagues are taking her ideas as their own. Promoting themselves at her expense. Leaving her feeling angry, bitter and resentful. Looking at her body language I could see that she was feeling much smaller than she normally would. Her shoulders were hunched. Her eyes without their normal sparkle. Her energy exuding negativity.
I looked her in the eyes and told her she had to stop thinking about her colleagues. Stop giving them so much of her power. Stop fueling their ambitions by spiraling out of control. I advised her that she needed to take back her power by concentrating on herself. By challenging herself to find out what it is she wants out of life. Rather than on what she doesn't.  And if she did that she would find herself on a path that would make her life that much easier than the path she was presently on.
I also told her to forgive herself for being angry with her colleagues and to forgive her colleagues for their actions. To release the darkness that was threatening to pull her down to place she would have a difficult time finding her way out of. To surrender to where she was and ask what the lesson is that she is meant to receive from her colleagues and really listen to the answer.
And by giving her that advice I realized I was talking to myself as well. I heard the advice I was giving to my friend loud and clear as if it was an echo to myself.  My own advice resonated with me so deeply that I felt that much lighter. And the beauty of our exchange was that I could see I had hit a nerve with her as well. I could see the light coming back into her eyes. I could feel the tension oozing out of her shoulders. I could feel her energy shifting. Creating a bubble of support. Of love. Of understanding.
We both walked away from our session feeling much lighter than when we first met.  Feeling hope and inspired. Leaving me to think about her, about life, about myself. And what I realized is that when we give from the heart without expectation, without judgment, with love and compassion, we always receive in return.
Reminding me that life is about sharing, helping others, love and compassion. And when we live our lives that way, we are always rewarded. Because we are one. Sahring this journey called life together.
@shadow self
@ betrayal

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