Thursday 6 December 2012

Ram Dass, Faith vs. Belief

According to Ram Dass, belief comes from the mind. Whereas faith comes from the heart. Faith is that which we find when our beliefs are shut to hell. When we have nothing more to feel or believe, all we are left with is faith.
Now I understand. I watched the clip of Ram Dass being interviewed by Oprah on Super Soul Sunday and in that moment something solidified in me I did not even know I was wrestling with. Now I understand why I keep going even when my beliefs in people, circumstances and outcomes have been annihilated. It’s because I have tremendous faith. I know what I know deep down inside. Even when I think I don’t. There is that little friend called faith that sees me through. Guides me through. Wills me through.
After my mother died, I believed in nothing. Felt nothing. Was angry. Afraid. Felt abandoned but then each day the light at the end of the tunnel got a little brighter, stronger. I remember feeling like something was helping me. Reassuring me. Staying with me.  At the time, I did not understand what it was. But now I know without a shadow of doubt it was faith that was willing me to go on. To believe in more than my beliefs. Or the beliefs of others. To understand my connection to the Spirit. The One Source. The Most High.
It was through the death of my mother that I understood and understand there is much more to us than the physical. We are spirit that lives on and on. Some believe in different physical forms. Others not. We are infinite beings. I feel my mother’s presence in my life more than I do not and she died some 36 years ago when I was a 13 year old girl on the cusp of learning.
What I know is it is faith that gets me through even when I think there is nothing to believe in. No one to believe in. Faith is very different from belief because it comes from a place of nonjudgement, nonexpectation. It comes from a place of pure and unrefined love and light. It comes from the well of abundance that allows us to flourish even when we think we can't. Even when everyone tells us we can't.
I know now more than ever, there is no belief that can kill my faith unless I allow it. Faith is what gets me through my darkest hour and reminds me there is always light after the dark.  I have faith. I accept faith. I am faith. And I go on in faith. Amen.

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