Monday 3 December 2012

A foggy @Monday morning makes way for clarity

This morning my alarm went off and I could not believe it was time to get up. I felt like I had just gone to sleep. So I was really confused about where I was and what I was meant to be doing.
And then I realized it was Monday and I panicked. Froze. Thinking about how trying the next couple of weeks will be.  The Pantomime starts on Thursday and from today on I will be involved every night somehow in making sure my daughter gets to the theatre on time, makeup is applied and she is ready to go on stage.
 Rehearsals begin in earnest tonight for the Opening night on Thursday. My mind was spinning about how I was going to accomplish everything I need to get done at work to leave the office in time to get her to practice on time.
Then I went into an even greater tizzy when I remembered I had not been in the office for a week and I had so much to catch up on there. I wanted to put my head back under the covers and not come back out until December 16 when the Pantomime was over and the demands were lessened. I questioned why I get myself involved in so much.
I was so confused and out of sorts that I even forgot how to shut off the alarm. I forgot that I was in my own bed this morning. I forgot my morning routines. I even felt for the first time that I could not create this blog. That it too was another burden I had placed on myself. And as soon as I told myself my blog was a burden too, a sense of calmness came over me.
I realized that if I was going to make it through today and the next 13 days I would have to shift my mindset from lack to abundance. From pity to glory and joy. From too much to do to embracing I am where I am meant to be.
After remembering how to turn off my alarm and giving myself a pep talk, I got out of bed. Repeating to myself that I am grateful for another day on this Earth. For being at home with my family. For waking up on Monday morning with much to do. Rather than not waking up at all.
I then knew I needed to meditate. To seek inner peace. To give myself permission to quieten my mind. To allow myself space to see what I am capable of handling without panic. Without outside noise and interference.  So I looked for my 21 day meditations I had downloaded from the Chopra Centre.
At first I allowed fear to enter my mind again when I remembered I could not find the downloads over the weekend. But this morning because I had shifted my consciousness and told the Universe how much I needed those meditations, as soon as I opened my download folder, there they were.  Like magic they were waiting for me.
And I felt so much better. So much clearer. So much lighter. Particularly when the meditation that was waiting for me was all about abundance. And that fact that abundance is my universal right. Elation replaced degradation as I knew the Universe was answering my call.
I went into my meditation with gratitude. And when I came out, all became clear to me. The next 14 days will be trying. Exhausting and busy. But it is up to me to decide how I will be during these days. It is up to me to say no sometimes when I have enough on my plate. It is up to me to centre and focus myself so I can radiate the peace and abundance I carry within myself at all times. I chose to be where I am and will be over the next fourteen days. There is no one to blame for the obligations I have placed on myself but myself.
So instead of feeling overwhelmed this morning, I chose to feel grateful that I have so much in my life rather than feeling bad for what I don’t. I chose to shift my mindset to embrace all the abundance and good that flows throughout the Universe rather than on all that is bad. And soon my body was tingling and my mind was clearer and I knew no matter what comes my way, it is within Divine right to choose how I will be.
Happy Monday everyone and here’s to a couple of weeks of trails. I welcome them with open arms because I am where I am meant to be. With abundance, grace, and gratitude. Namaste.

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